The art of happiness (part 2)

in #life6 years ago


In the first part, we saw that happiness is perceived differently for each individual.
Some associates it with success, with gratitude, with others with love or exchange.
In this second part we will be interested in a perception of what happiness might be in some people. A vision distorted by the present society that takes us away from the truth.

I want more….

We had seen MR A and MR B, in the previous articles. This time, let's continue with two other characters we'll call MR C and MR D.

These two people are neighbors, have the same standard of living now. At first glance, they have a strong family and financial stability, one could say that these two individuals are happy in life.
MR C has always dreamed of buying a sports car. Life has not allowed him so far to do it, at the beginning of his career his salary was not enough and thereafter he had 3 children who was not on the agenda.
Today these children are great, and financially it will be able to make this dreamed gift.
MR C buys his sports car, he is happy to finally walk around the wheel.

A few months later, MR D also bought a sports model. This is not his first car, because he has already owned 2 others.
MR D has never been in need, his work has always allowed him some pleasures, especially on cars.
MR D to buy a model higher than the MR C car, but did not specially made expert to do it. He just wanted to be happy again.

MR C seeing the new model of MR D begins to envy the latter, which benefits from the latest options.
Its vehicle a few months loses its interest, the new model is much more interesting for MR C.

This example can be repeated in many situations, many of us do not appreciate what it has.
We tend to look at what others have, and we subconsciously compare things.


The consumer society, which today always offers more novelties. Accelerates this process of envy, sugar called sugar.

** What to do to protect us? **

This is a very difficult question because nothing is done to help us in this process.
Take the example of a person who likes technologies.
This sector is perhaps the one that is evolving the fastest and directly imposes this problem.
You want to buy a 1080p tv, but tomorrow there will be the 4k then the 8k, in just 4 or 5 years you want to change each time of tv, for a more recent technology.
Are you satisfied with your first purchase, yes, but ....
This endless circuit is the very foundation of our system of consumption and our habits.
We see in magazines, on TV, or in others, products that make us want.
This need for change for better, is a problem also in couples.
We believe that happiness is elsewhere and no longer look at what we have, whether in the material or the human.


Perhaps true happiness is simply to appreciate the present moment, and stop the race to envy.
Envy leads to possession, selfishness, because we are moving away from sharing simple things to want more and more. We no longer appreciate what we have, because we think there is always better elsewhere.
We can not be really happy like that, in this case happiness is short and based on change.
It does not allow long-term stability, and often causes human problems.
When financially a person can satisfy these cravings, and comes out frustrated and unhappy.
We live our life with a continual feeling of lack.


This second part is shorter than the first article. I wanted to focus the latter on the only problem of envy and the feeling of dissatisfaction of everyday life.
Can we change and enjoy the simple things?
Can we accept to no longer follow a destructive movement, are we on the margins of society if we do it?
In the third article, I would talk about happiness in the work. Many people live their work in a food way, what to do in this case?

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