6 Reasons Why you Need to GET OVER the fact your Post isn't Trending!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Over the past week we've started seeing quite a few posts complaining that the posters post is not trending, while a similar post is. These posters have claimed a grave injustice and some have even linked back to their post demanding retribution (and upvotes). 

Well, in the words of my father when I was a child complaining that I didn't have all the same shiny toys as the other kids...

Life's not fair. Get Over it!

I've compiled 6 reasons why you need to stop complaining and GET OVER IT!

1. Just to reiterate. Life's not fair. Get over it! This is the most important reason. Don't forget it.

2. There have been people here for months. They are the 'early investors' having invested time. Now is their reward. I equate these to early miners of bitcoin. Those that stuck with it were rewarded.

3. Related to number 2 (and maybe the most important), the early adopters know each other, they upvote each other. This helps get the ball rolling. They don't know you. Make a name for yourself.

4. There are bots setup that have certain people added to their parameters and will upvote their articles regardless. These were setup months ago to add 'liqiudity' to the community. I'm sure some were also added for other reasons.

Ok, so maybe these bots with influence are a bit unfair. When in doubt, always refer back to #1.

5. Complaining is unbecoming and childish. Don't be a child.

6. The SteemIt community is young. Don't forget this. As it matures voting power should equate, user base should grow and diversify. When this happens the better content will rise to the top. If it doesn't Steem will have failed.

Look, at the end of the day, SteemIt is in it's infancy. It's far from perfect but it has potential, lots of it. Let's all take a step back and realize that just two weeks ago we were sharing content and getting nothing for it. Now there is a chance we do. That is cool. 

Sure, some people are cashing in right now, some are deserving, some are not. Will the great content rise to the top? 

Only time will tell.

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