My Uncle Got The Last Laugh...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

My Uncle Oscar was the youngest of 4, my dads one and only "baby brother"

Growing up, I understood their relationship was complicated... but that's about as much as I know.

around 15+ years ago...

I was fresh out of high school and doing my thing in college... I ended up at my uncles house, who I never really hung out with because I was under the impression that he wasn't someone my dad wanted me hanging around with and being the age that I was... of course.. I did what any kid that age would do... I had to find out for myself. Well, my uncle wasn't so bad after all but what I didn't expect was his excitement about me coming over. After a whole night of hanging with the family, my uncle had one thing on his mind... an opportunity he'd been waiting for quite a while... so he took it.

"hey baby wally... come over here and take a picture with me... this one is for your dad... he's going to hate this shit"uncle oscar2.jpg

He brought me over to his huge ass marijuana bush.. popped open a couple 24 ounces, handed me one... then lit up a fatty.
"your dad is going to have a cow when he sees this, fuck em"

I never showed my dad the photo.. unsure if I was too scared or just oblivious, arrogant or naive to not understand the meaning... but over the years, the photo just fell out of existence.

My uncle passed away this morning...

liver failure... my babymama just ran into him at the auto parts store a week and a half ago and he seemed happy and healthy, according to her. This past week tho, he took himself into the hospital and it was immediately down hill from there.. they gave him morphine for the pain and because his liver and kidneys were both failing... the morphine kept circulating until his body shut down.

Today... or someday... when the time is right...

my dad will finally see that picture... and we'll laugh about it because in the end, his baby brother...

Got The Last Laugh

uncle oscar.jpg
RIP Uncle Oscar

With love...
-Baby Wally

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