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RE: Simple Rules to Fight Obesity for Better and Healthy Life

in #life7 years ago

Great writeup, but the truth is simpler than all that. First we should clear the false information (created by the sugar industry): 1) fats dont make you fat and they do not cause heart disease. They actually tell our body that we are full, provide a better source of energy (lactate), increase metabolic rate because your body doesnt think you are in famine and most important they reduce carb craving (why sugar industry created low fat scam). 2) exercise is great for quality of life heart disease prevention, but has zero relevance to causing or not causing obesity. 3) obesity is not genetic related; yes your genes may dictate you weighing 200 instead of 600 lbs, but being obese is not caused by genetics. 4) obesity doesnt cause any of the health problems listed, but is only a symptom of the same cause of all inflammatory mediated disease.........

The single cause for almost all inflammatory mediated disease, which is 75% of all chronic disease, including heart disease and obesity is sugar and refined sugars alone. Now dont get me wrong, the low fat scam and endocannabinoid deficiencies have multplied the invasive human distruction but just removing refined sucrose and fructose not in an actual fruit in original form will change the morbidity and mortality for a lot of people.

All of the typical recommendations can be some what helpful with a good antiinflammatory on board and the absolute best with the largsst amount of quality research is the various cannabinoids. HEMP full spectrum cannabinoid and terpene oil is something you can take every day and have zero worry about all the organ failure we get with pharma like aleve and advil like stuff.

I have a passion for this kind of thing because i have worked in medicine for over 20 years and most was spent dealing with the effects of sugar. Check out


thanks for your detailed comment..appreciate...

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