Take More Risks

in #life7 years ago

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On June 26th 2015, I decided to not go back to Northeastern University in Boston after a 6 month internship to pursue my dream of starting a business.

I remember the day as I paced around the blocks around 5th avenue in Manhattan contemplating my decision. Thoughts racing through my mind of leaving all the relationships I built in Boston and the overwhelming fear of fomo (fear of missing out).

I then remembered what my mentor said to me earlier in the year, "always make choices from a 3,000 ft level". Meaning when making a decision do not just think about the immediate impact it will have on your life, but think on a big picture level.

I quickly realized that if I didn't go through with pursuing my dream, I would most definitely look back on it and wonder the infamous, "what if I did it".

Ultimately, I made that phone call to my parents and told them my decision of not going back to school. An awkward silence. Then I got the words I wanted most, "we support you".

A year went by and I was developing my product and learning skills that are not taught in a classroom.
I learned what it meant to be an entrepreneur. A real entrepreneur, not the ones you see on Instagram, but learning day by day how to deal with the ups and downs of what it actually takes to make it.
Learning how to deal with stress, prioritizing what is most important in life, and what truly makes you happy.

Here I am today.
I am launching my flagship product in the next few weeks and I have no regrets.

Please if you are into health, alkalinity, or you just want to support a young entrepreneur's dreams, please sign up to my email list for my upcoming Kickstarter at https://tryphit.com

I put my heart and soul into the development of this product and I cannot wait to spread it with the world.

The biggest thank you to the Steemit community and all the positive vibes and love I so far have received!

Chris Moss


great story

Very interesting... both my brothers graduated from Northeastern but I took the path where I thought I would be best and headed to colorado and the University of Denver!

Hey Donaldtrumpet,

I actually then started taking classes at night when I was initially working and went back to Northeastern for my last semester and graduated in May.
Great school!
Funny how life takes in you crazy directions!
Thanks for commenting


without risks there's no big returns and thrills so risk it ,=D

Good luck!

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