Burn out.

in #life5 years ago

It's been a while since I've posted last and not all too much has changed since then. I've been working like crazy on the house and not taking care of myself as a result. Long ass days with practically no down time has, as expected, burnt me out. I have managed to catch the Australian flu, I have been flat on my back for the last 5 days. The house is on hold for the next couple of weeks at a minimum, I just can't do it like I was if I want to keep myself in good health.

Work wise my move has turned out to be a disappointment, I was supposed to be filling a role short term before I moved into my security position. Now it seems that the security position is no longer on the table, well, for the foreseeable future. So where does that leave me? The honest answer? I really don't know. I left a highly secure job, took a 25% paycut to make the move. To say I feel somewhat let down is an understatement. So what's next? I have some serious bills coming at me, I have a job that I don't really want. I have distributed my resume and we will see what I can pick up. I don't want to continue in a role that will lead me in the same direction as I was headed.

I love where we live now, the family all love it here and the new life we are carving out for ourselves. The house will be done, eventually. I'd rather take some time and be happy with the results than rush job it and have to go back and do it again in a few years.


The picture above was taken at 7:30pm on new years eve, myself and Mrs moon fell asleep before midnight and missed the "big event". We must be mad. This room will be the core of our home, it will be our kitchen, dining and sitting room. A room that will allow the family to be one in a comfortable, warm and safe space with views to die for. It's all part of the plan, but like everything worth doing there is pain along the way. And we've got plenty more to go!


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