War (What Is It Good For)

in #life7 years ago

The times we are living in are better than 100 years ago, but still are troublesome as ever. There are so many idiots ruling over this world and creating conflicts to fuel their economic agendas and need for power. When will those crooks get punished, when will this system based on complete corruption and ignorance cease to exist and move to brighter future for not only few rich families but for all. When will this system where in order to survive you need to work in a factory 10h every day wasting your life on conveyor belt assembling some meaningless product stop being relative. 

When will religions stop gripping the throats of every human being promising them false hopes of afterlife and brainwashing them to do terrible deeds?  Terrorists blowing themselves up, how is that something that became a new normal, recent attacks during music concerts, really??

Can we as a society finally realize that all this bullshit is man made and can be changed for the better? Question questions question, nobody can answer them. We all know everything is wrong but we keep on tolerating it all. 

I guess we keep on living like before until some major catastrophe happens, or nothing happens and status quo remains. Status quo is the worst thing for humanity. That is when entropy and indifference, age of decadence starts and everything goes down the shitter. We are already living in age of decadence ruled by the corrupt with all those indifferent masses keep on putting junk food in their bellies and shooting from their rifles with their fat fingers. Is there any hope for us to awaken from this shitstorm? I hope so.

Hope is the first step on a road to disappointment.

At least we have Steem!


the only thing I really hate is war. All weapons should be forbidden and destroyed for good. If someone wants the war then he should be in the first line on front, not hiding miles away on another planet and monitor it. And finally, those who profit from war should be judged from neutral judges and humanity keepers. I am straight on this one.

People will always find a way to kill each other, with guns, grenades, drones, mines, nukes, poison... If civilization kills itself, people in the future will again start using swords to kill. Permanent peace and equality for all is so far away from this moment in time. Sad but true.

people are predators, last in the chain.

I guess it all comes down to humanity's core principles. Is it egotism, or compassion? Sure hope in the end it'll be the latter and times will change for the better... Thank you for the nice read!

100 more years for that to happen? Probably even more, progress is slow and we must tolerate so much bullshit today. Tnx.

A huge number of children worldwide are influenced by equipped clash. They are faced with physical mischief, brutality, peril, abuse, dread and misfortune. Numerous kids are compelled to escape. Some witness the passing of friends and family. Some are compelled to pull the trigger themselves. Groups are tore separated and can at no time in the future give a safe situation to youngsters. Grown-ups are caught up with surviving, guardians have little time for their kids. Schools and play areas are harmed or assumed control by outfitted gatherings. This is the current situations of the world.

The question is what can we do about it? What should we do? I don't know.

There are so many root problems that in order to fix we would need to dig up a whole bunch of dirt. 10 steps backwards for one step forward.

There's only one meaning to that, IMPOSSIBLE.

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