The Joy Of Being An Introvert

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Being an introvert may be one of the most unique charactors one may posses ,
I find it to be quite beautiful ,cool, when one is silent but their silence is beautiful in a way .


I mean silence sometimes is golden ,It's hard to know what one may be thinking if they talk less more so if they don't make pointless arguments .

Most introverts have high iQs since they consume more of their enviroment observation and have time to digest all the information they observe before they can even respond.

On the other hand there are some downsides of being an introvert, most of the time it becomes hard to fit in a classic sociatle enviroment which is quite important. Most introverts love to spend their time alone.


The journey maybe lonely and depressing sometimes but often one finds joy in the simplisity of life and even though one may loose the love of the family , there is nothing more beautiful like a dedicated introvert since they always change the world.


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

mean silence sometimes is golden ,It's hard to know what one may be thinking if they talk less more so if they don't make pointless arguements .
It should be arguments instead of arguements.

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