To My New Steemit Family: Take a break. Pull up a chair. This wont take long, but YOU DESERVE to hear this.

in #life8 years ago

Maybe you even need to hear this.

Who knows?

Only you do.

I wanted to take some time to say a BIG THANK YOU to ALL!

Your support, encouragement, compassion, and kindness is AMAZING! I have been moved to tears more than once by your insight and genuine goodness. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to all of YOU. I wanted say to you that YOU have made a difference. You have made a difference in my life in just the past 48 hours.

Your community is remarkable!

I have opened up to you.

No, let me re-phrase that. . . . YOU have opened me up. I am shocked at how your community has drawn me outside of myself. Because of the Steemit platform, you were there to listen. I have said things to Steemitt, to you, that I had not admitted to myself or dealt with for years.

Things that were buried somewhere deep inside.

Invisible thoughts that I never knew were there.

I wasn't aware that I'd managed to HIDE from myself. I couldn't say them out loud (let alone acknowledge them to myself). In 2010 (2 days before my daughters birthday) I had a meltdown. I ended up in the hospital for 1 1/2 days.

The intake nurse said that I was there because I didn't have a support system. I don't know if that was really why I ended up there. I also heard them speak of trauma and PTSD. (By the way, I refused all of their medication b/c I was angry w/ Big Pharma, still am). What I do know is that the folks within the Steemit community did more for me in 48 hrs than the 1 1/2 day stay at the hospital and the 4 visits to the therapist.

Now I 'do appreciate' the hospital and the therapist. Maybe I (the student) wasn't ready to work on healing or facing whatever. But I do know that all of YOU, within the Steemit community are providing a valuable service. Prior to 48 hrs ago, I didn't think that I had anything to say, let alone anything that could be important to others.

I never thought that anyone cared about what I had to say, let alone wanted to hear more of it!

To my dismay, the Steemit community says that they to hear more!

I am now 'a one day at a time' person.

For today "I'm Good." Thank You.

Below are just some of my favorite comments from my introduction post.

From: @ats-david

From: @hanshotfirst

From: @triddin

From: @richq11

From: @merej99

From: @gringalicious


You are two for two on getting me to cry reading your posts! So much heart, amazing stuff.

Maybe I will work on making you laugh next time. Thank you for reading it.

I think you make a great addition to Steemit. And based on your first post, a ton of people agree. It's always good to see genuine storytelling from real people. Often, we get caught up in the impersonal aspects of the internet and forget that there are in fact real people on "the other side of the screen." So, when we can actually read about the lives of others - especially when those stories move us - it tends to have a bigger impact and reminds us of how this whole internet thing has changed our be able to connect with people we would otherwise likely never meet in person.

The fact that you can make those connections with complete strangers, while also having your family here with you and logging all of your experiences on the blockchain, is (in my mind) what this site is all about. Yeah, we can make some money doing this too, but being in an environment that doesn't just feel like we're being used for advertisements and data collection is a great relief and I think it opens us up to being more receptive to the new ideas and to new people. I'm glad that you can share this with your family and I hope to see more of it in the near future.

For those people who are interested in Steemit becoming the next big thing in social media (and making a lot of us early adopters richer in the process), this is what will drive mainstream adoption. So, good job to you and your family for doing what you're doing - for yourselves and for the entire community. You deserve whatever accolades have come your way.

Wow! Thank you!

Hey Cody, I didn't mean to channel you . . . almost word for word. Maybe great minds really do think alike. Lol !

Well now I have to go and read your introduction! :) Very beautiful thank you post, love it :)

That made me smile! Thank you!

Beautiful! Writing is such a great way to find out about yourself.
Don't hold back!

Scary but true. Thanks for the encouragement!

happy to be a follower!

Thanks for coming aboard!

Another great post! I see we travel in the same circles lol...we have a few of the same friends on here.

Yes, evidently. Part of me is still trying to figure all of this out. Thanks for reading my post (again).

I just found your posts by reading Cody's posts in my feed. I have tried to get my mom to join Steemit, as well. I feel she has a lot of great ideas and topics, and would do well here.

Welcome to Steemit! Following and upvoted!

Thank you. I am still on a learning curve.

You will do well.

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