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RE: I'm 16 and finding a job is difficult

in #life7 years ago

Much of the success of job seeking comes either from being in the right place at the right time, networking, or persistence. Assuming you're in the US, finding any job at 16 is going to be a real trick, since you have restrictions concerning when and for how many hours you can work, especially during the school year.

Don't be afraid to apply at places even if they tell you they aren't currently hiring. Many keep applications on file for six months to a year, and you never know when someone's going to unexpectedly quit or get fired.

Depending on the job market conditions in your area, you might find that getting a job is difficult until you turn 18. Don't give up, don't be afraid to call places, and don't be afraid to apply for a job you don't think you'll like--nothing says you have to stay there for the rest of your life, and it's always easier to parlay previous job experience into something different than it is to go into a new place with no job history. Employers like to see that you've been working somewhere, anywhere, and that you didn't get fired.

Most importantly, when you get that job, even if it's the suckiest job that ever sucked, give it 100%. Volunteer for the crap nobody else wants to do, make sure you're there on time (or 5-10 minutes before your shift), obey the rules for cell phone use (even if nobody else does), and don't give them ANY excuse to get rid of you. Keep applying to other places you would like to work so that when the time comes to jump shift, you can give your new job all the references from your current job that they want and have the best shot at a positive recommendation. When you're as young as you are, your work ethic is the only thing a company can grade you on. Maintain that and you'll stand out above the rest of the people who are only there to suck the clock and cash a paycheck.

I wish you the best of luck in your hunt. Don't give up just because Papa Murphy's didn't call you back. There may have been 500 other people applying for that job, and 498 of them got the same response you did. :)


Honestly, I'm just really happy that I had that opportunity, It was my first job interview and I really hadn't asked on what to expect. Chances are, I won't make most of my mistakes again on the second try, or the third, or fourth, and simply that experience is whats going to get me a job.

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