I got robbed...

in #life6 years ago

I was suppose to move into my new house on friday the 15th, instead I find out the closing date got moved because the seller didn't give the title company some paper work.. So now we have to wait until Wed the 20th to close, I guess that wouldn't be that bad except for the fact that we got robbed Friday night! Some asshole cut my bike lock and stole my 80cc mini dirtbike right off my trailer which is parked in front of the hotel next to a camera. Come to find out the cameras night vision barely works so we can see that 2 people took it, but you can't tell anything else. So I get fucked once again. Sounds about my luck as of lately..

Just when I think I've hit rock bottom and think that things are about to turn around, I get kicked back down.. Ugh, sometimes life sucks!


Fukin scumbags.
Sorry man 🍻

Fucking scumbags is right!! The truth is I actually am more upset that someone stole from me than I am upset about the money.. I have never felt so disrespected in my life.. I wish I could find that piece of shit and teach him a lesson..

Ah :(. I'm so sorry, friend. That is terrible. I was amazed at your story and positive approach to things when I first met you on here, and I know it's so easy to run out of steam when things get so, so hard, but I do hope there is some kind of silver lining or "o happy fault" coming in this. Regardless.. don't give up! Hang in there! We're rooting for you.

I'm trying to take everything as a learning experience, no matter the outcome. I just have to hold on a few more days and then thing should be on the up and up.. I know eventually I will start climbing out of this hole, I just hope its sooner rather than later! ;) Thanks for all the support, it really does mean a lot to me knowing people like you are rooting for me and have my back.. take care..

Keep your head up! It can be hard to think about why bad things happen to us when we’re trying so much to keep our lives on track. Sometimes people just suck.

People do suck!!.. its sad how disconnected people have come and how they feel so entitled that they think its ok to steal. I guess I just had more faith in people and it was a hard way to learn otherwise :/

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That sucks, but don’t you have insurance?

I do have insurance but the 80cc motorcycle was only worth about $350. I have a $250 deductable and I would have to call the police and file a report, then deal with that all day only to basically get $100 back.. Then I would also have a claim on my insurance so I really didn't think it was worth it. :/

That really blows. Hopefully, your bad luck streak is over. Good luck with the move-in date.

I'm hoping so too man.. Thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it. I'll definitely do a post when I made it through all this mess and am back on the up and up.. Hopefully it will be soon ;)

Yikes man, that's a bad deal. Think there's any way to lock a bike to a trailer that totally prevents theft?

Maybe, I mean I could've used a bigger chain maybe, but I think it is shitty that I have to even worry about stuff like that. A simple lock should be enough to deter people. I just am loosing faith in humanity lately. People care less and less about others everyday, its really sad.

It is sad that people are willing to harm others for their own gain.

I ask about the lock because I have a bike on the back of my truck I'd really like to ensure doesn't get nabbed as well.

Maybe get a thicker cable or chain. I was just using a thin cable and a lock, easily cuttable with a small lock cutter.. Apparently that was a mistake.. :/

You really are having a tough time lately @moderndayhippie. 😢

Hang on in there. Things will definitely get better. They will!

Thanks @gillianpearce, I appreciate the encouraging words.. I know things will get better soon, we just have to get into our home and then we can work on fixing everything else.. hopefully wednesday will be that day! sooo close..

Fingers crossed for Wednesday then @moderndayhippie. I'll be thinking of you both. 💜

So very sorry to hear this @moderndayhippie & so frustrating that the cameras did not help! I know the feeling, we woke up last weekend Saturday to find all 4 wheels stolen off our car which was parked at home behind a fence with spikes! One works hard to get what you want or need and then someone just comes and steals it!!!

OMG that is ridiculous! I can't believe they jumped a fence and took the tires off the car, what is this world coming to? The sad part is that I would've given it away if someone really wanted it that bad, they didn't have to steal it. My parents have always said that people who steal obviously need it more than we do, but for some reason that doesn't make me feel better when it happens to me. I just don't know how those people sleep at night?

Sadly that is life in South Africa, unemployment rates very high and our ex president not the best role model, he is so corrupt! We're hoping things get better with the new leadership. It was a terrible shock as we have good fencing all round! Your parents are too kind!
They took the wheels; tyres & rims! Still waiting for insurance to sort it!

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