Narcissistic Psychopath Hillary Clinton Spews Bile and Venom in India!

in #life7 years ago

Horrible Hillary Clinton Continues to Insult and Divide Americans in India

Here is a clip of a speech that the ever vile Hillary Clinton gave in India recently. Notice how she deliberately sets Americans against each other while at the same time projecting here failures out onto others. This disgusting woman is a true psycho / sociopath, take your pick.

So you may have noticed in this short clip that Clinton played her disgusting identity politics game and sought to sow division based on:

• Geographic location – the Coastal ‘good people’ vs. the Heartland hillbillies.
• Economic status – the productive affluent coastal democrats vs. the unproductive flyover poor workers and farmers.
• Race – claims Trump voters don’t want blacks to have rights.
• Sex & gender – Trump voters don’t want women to have jobs.
• Race and immigration – Trump supporters don’t want immigrants (‘that Indian American’). Accuses Trump supporters of xenophobia.
• Values and life outlook – Hillary claims her supporters are optimistic future thinkers, while Trumps are backward looking Luddite Neanderthals.

Venomous Woman

So in this one short clip this venomous witch threw at least 6 or 7 identity politics grenades at the American people. And she did this while in India. Thousands of miles from the USA Hillary is insulting YOU in front of a foreign crowd, on TV.

She then went on to also blame the FBI, the Media etc. etc. for her loss. You have heard it all before. It is almost a year and a half since the election. She could have just congratulated Trump for his victory and walked into the sunset (or the woods) and had a dignified retirement.

But no, she is still with us, like an undead creature leaving a slime trail and a stench everywhere she goes. All the while pitting Americans against each other and inspiring and encouraging this whole fake news propaganda about Russian hacking. Ask the late Seth Rich or Julian Assange where the emails came from.

For God’s sake Hillary, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO AWAY!

Even Hillary’s supporters must be getting sick of this. If Clinton continues this narcissistic blame and accusations game it will not help the Democrats in 2018 or 2020.

It’s time the Democrats grew a backbone and retired this old hag to pasture. It would help the country.


Why will Hillary stop, dividing America is in her DNA...



Slipping away soon I hope!

break the elevators, break the escalators, make her climb stairs and you'll have your wish

...Hillary Dumpy had a great fall...

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