I've stopped making mistakes. I'm now showing up for Divinely inspired growth opportunitiessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

Divinely inspired growth copy.jpg

Message from the heart -
Let go of what you're doing wrong.

Simply refuse to look at it as a mistake or an error.

Instead, start living your life as though everything you do is right.

Every decision you make is the right one, every action inspired.

And every thought beneficial.

When you allow yourself to see all that you're doing right,

You'll do more of what's right.

Be available for growth by allowing the Divine to hold your hand and guide the way.

You are perfection!

If you're afraid that you'll never get it right, invest in my teleclass: Defeat the Demon of Fear. http://www.marciamartinthehearthealer.com/how-to-defeat-the-demon-of-fear.html


Framing is everything and I love how this piece gets people to see that. Let's focus on what we are doing right and what we've learned from hitting a few bumps.

Thanks so much for your uplifting comment. Yes, framing is everything. Sharing love and blessings with you.

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