How To Let Go Of GuiltsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

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Dearest hearts we come to you today with great hope in our hearts for if we can help any of you lay aside the burden of guilt, all of you will be better for it. Within the collective consciousness of which you are a part, what one learns you all learn on some level. Therefore, if we can help even one of you gain your freedom, all of you will benefit. Guilt is one of the most corrosive of all of the negative emotions and one of the most insidious because you can often justify its presence. Think of guilt as a child of fear and you will understand how sly and deceitful guilt can be. You must never trust feelings of guilt to represent truth but you must always dig down beneath the energy of guilt to the underlying cause.

If you have trespassed upon your own wellbeing or the wellbeing of another than those feelings of guilt are prodding you to do the right thing, the spiritually mature thing and make right the wrong by apologizing, forgiving or by engaging in some other form of corrected behavior that stops the hurt or the damage from continuing. A person who is heart-centered who has done the work necessary to free themselves from the darkness of negativity will use guilt appropriately and allow it to be a tool that guides loving behavior. You will all have moments when you say or do something that's inappropriate and that action will make you feel guilty. This is acceptable as long as you correct the inappropriate behavior, make suitable amends and let go of all guilt from that point forward. The action was taken, then it was corrected. The wrong was righted and now you must let it go with a joyful heart. Continuing to beat yourself up over an inappropriate action is not freeing, it's not spiritual, it's not sanctioned by the Divine and it's not enlightened behavior. All you're doing when you carry guilt on your back like a ten-ton sack is to consign yourself to negativity, to the lowest vibration and to unhappiness. None of you rise by chaining yourselves to the darkness but all of you are capable of rising by letting it go. Let go of the guilt, don't wear it as a badge of honor.

In order to make this practice easy, we have three daily activities that will help you spend the majority of your days in the highest vibration of love, joy and peace. The first spiritual practice we advise you to take part in daily is that of forgiveness. Beginning with the self, learn loving acceptance instead of harsh criticism. Every day in a quiet time before bed, commit to a daily review. During this review period take a look at your day. What felt good, what went well, what would you like more of? Tuck those experiences in your heart and wrap them in love.

Now turn your attention to the missteps, those times you could have done better. If they make you feel shame and guilt, they too must be wrapped in love but instead of holding them in your heart offer them up to the Divine by simply stating, "Please take this burden from me." Then, let it go. If you try to hold onto it or continue to review it by poking and prodding at the problem, you'll create a new energetic attachment to it and you'll have to repeat the above practice. You'll need to let it go all over again. In the beginning, as you learn to forgive yourself and others for missteps you'll need to repeat the process over and over again until you no longer stir the pot of unwanted memories. You must continue to let go of the guilt until it's out of your mind or until you feel complete. Don't attach to a specific number of repetitions, continue until you are successful.

Next, you must enter into a period of gratitude. First, you cleared the energetic space by letting go of the misstep by forgiving it in yourself and others. Now you must replace the energy of shame and guilt with the energy of gratitude. With deliberate and concentrated focus choose several things for which you can be sincerely grateful. When you cleared away the guilt you created an open space in your energetic body. As you focus on gratitude you're allowing the cleared space to be filled with unconditional love. Gratitude is the act of being thankful for all that you have. Vast quantities of things are not necessary for gratitude to be present but a willing heart is necessary. A heart that has become overrun with guilt is not the pure place that God intended. This is why you must first forgive yourself and all others so that that which is divine in nature can find a home in your heart. Spend no time making room for negativity or negative thoughts and feelings and all of your time making room and creating a welcoming space for all that is positive or divine in nature. Each one of you is divine, so for you, this work is not hard or complicated. We urge you not to allow it to be anything but easy. If you find yourself feeling confused and overwhelmed you're trying to make the simple, complicated. Therefore, simply let go of whatever belief you're holding that's complicating your thinking.

By this point, you have forgiven the confusion that led to a mistake in yourself and all others and you've found several reasons to be sincerely grateful. We now advise that you spend considerable time washing and renewing your spirit in this gratitude energy. Just allow the energy of gratitude to enfold you like a cloak of soft, warm material. Within the confines of this energy, you are safe and loved and automatically elevated to the high place of love, joy and peace. Let go of the heaviness of guilt and give yourself the freedom to fly.

Once you feel warmed and full of gratitude it's time to extend this energy even further and tap into the eternal source of all power. Now that you've stepped out of blame and guilt and wrapped yourself in soft blankets of all that your grateful for, its time to venture forth boldly into love. Letting go of all knowledge of love with conditions, terms and restrictions, open yourself to receive from Source unconditional love. Love that has no expectation, no qualifying criteria and no threat of loss. In other words, love that carries no guilt. Open your heart to receive the blessing of this love as it pours forth from the Divine unceasingly and unchanging across all time and space. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, to be chid like and non-judgmental in the presence of this perfection. Allow yourself to merely exist and receive. You have irradicated guilt with forgiveness. You have elevated yourselves to the highest vibration with gratitude. Now allow yourselves to flow more fully into that space of oneness with all, into the perfect place of peace, by opening your entire being to the unconditional love of God. There is no greater gift you can give yourself.

You came here to explore and experiment to grow and to learn. You did not come here to be burdened by guilt. Step into your fullness by letting go of guilt and replacing its negativity with the high vibrational energy of love, joy and peace. Know guilt for what it is and forgive but do not make it something it's not and allow it to be a millstone around your neck. Live free, live in joy and share your love with all.

Marcia Martin M Ed – The Heart Healer, specializes in helping those who have been the victim of sexual trauma to heal from that pain and abuse so they can become victorious in all areas of their lives. Calling upon her extensive education and her intuitive gifts as well as angelic assistance, she'll bring you a breakthrough in gentle transformation. Using her proprietary method: The Spiritual Heart Healing Technique, she guides you in accessing the memories that are holding you, prisoner. By eliminating the unconscious program that's running in the background and sabotaging your life, you become victorious and experience true freedom.

Her program targets the energetic heart center where every emotional memory and its triggers are stored. Once these memories are cleared and healed you'll be able to live life on your terms, as your authentic self, empowered to live your life on purpose as the person you came here to be. Move from victim to victorious by healing your heart and transforming your life!

Message her for a complimentary, thirty-minute consultation at


Thanks so much. Sending you love and blessings.

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