Curiosity-the factor that makes the human mind great

in #life6 years ago

Do you think this is a political slogan? No, No. It is not a political statement rather it is a well-established fact.
The Steemians who believe in Abrahamic Religions know that Adam, the father of humans, made a mistake by eating the wheat which God had forbidden for him. Do you know the reason why he ate the wheat? The Satan’s plan worked out and he was deceived into eating it but If you take a closer look at the story which is mentioned in both the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, you can point out a very important factor which led to Adam’s approach towards that plant and that was his trait of curiosity. The curiosity to experience the taste of the food he was forbidden from. This story shows the level of curiosity of humans had right from the very start. Through the incident, the God wanted to show that humans are curious and will be curious forever.

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This factor, curiosity, always remained a part of the human mental makeup and extracted wonders from humans. How the human went onto explore the farthest borders of the universe. How the humans reached space, how the humans explored the moon, how the human went deep into the oceans and obtained information about the deepest parts of the world is extraordinary. What led him to do so? The answer is very simple and that is the factor of Curiosity. The human explored the internal structure of matter; came to know that it is made of atoms but did not stop there. The human mind started asking the question what is next after atom? What is the atomic made up of? How does it combine to form matter? This curiosity led him on the mission to explore what is inside atoms. He then came to know there are three fundamental particles inside atom but did he stop there? He may have but curiosity compelled him to move ahead. Then, he came to know how the three fundamental particles arranged in the atom and how many other particles are there inside the atom. This mission is still continuing since the curiosity has never ended.

It is curiosity which compelled the man to study the internal structure of the human body and to invent different vaccines to cure diseases. It is curiosity which has led humanity to achieve feats like the increase in crop production by the introduction of artificial fertilizers and of new fruits and vegetables in the market. It has also taken humans to the areas which were still unexplored and with that new lands and tribes were discovered.

The invention of telecommunication tools and especially Internet is one miracle of this trait. Similarly, the blockchain which revolutionized the whole payment system is also a fruit of human curiosity: The trait which asks human to study and think about the different phenomenon and to come up with a better proposition. The facilities which we are enjoying today are all on the credit of Curiosity.

I was curious myself and wondering how to earn online and to fulfill my educational expenses. The factor of curiosity took me along to different platforms like blogger, Wordpress, youtube, and Facebook but what ultimately paid off was the one and only The helped me earn enough in a single month that I was not able to earn on other platforms in a year. So be curious and explore.The is an ideal platform for you to put forward what you are curious about.

Lots of love. Stay blessed.

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