Cleaning of the soul.

in #life6 years ago

Hello friends!

Today I am going to write a bit about how we clean our souls, to conserve what we build and not to damage or dirty any of our feelings, to have a good preservation of them.



Most of us have the habit of washing the dishes and cleaning the house before sleeping, because this way we avoid finding contamination and not having unwanted guests as the insects that bring in themselves many contaminations.

In this same way we must include in our habits the cleansing of our thoughts, that is how we will achieve that they will not be contaminated by some actions or perhaps comments of bad taste, bad gestures among others.

In addition to a pure soul we will obtain a growth increase in our lives.
There are many types of growth; in age, in physical stature, in prestige, in money, in material goods of all kinds, in comforts, in short ... However, we almost always forget about inner growth. It is necessary seek the wisdom of the heart.

The man of today fears love and does not dare to be free. He spends his time preparing for a nonexistent time, collects false needs, accumulates desires, transports fears and goes through the months celebrating years. And thus, void of wisdom, accumulates tons of sterile information. When he suddenly decides to put his feet on the ground, he does not know what to do. Half of the people start every time from zero, and the other half prepare for something that will never live.

Growing inside is an adventure worth the effort. Unfortunately, there are many people who do not lack anything and inside they are empty; they have taken care of everything, but they have neglected themselves.

That's why today I give you the recommendation that we look for a comfortable method to reflect and see how much garbage to take out, we can think, we can write even listen to music there are many songs that tell us about the reality of life and we realize that we have to find a way out ...

To keep clean it is necessary to use soap I recommend a very good and effective one called forgiveness. I assure you that you will not regret it!

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
2 Corinthians 7:1

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