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RE: Thesis or the people

in #life6 years ago

@herryazmi11, Thanks for sharing this very personal insight into your life!

May I give you some advice from my over 50 years of age?

  • First, you are blessed for honoring your parents, and going to school, even though you do not want to be there right now.

It is possible that college is not a good fit for you. Some people just are not meant to go through that system of training.

However, it is only for a few short years, and at a time in your life when it is the easiest to do it. It is considerably more difficult to decide after marrying and having some children to care for that you need a higher education to provide for your own. It's not impossible, but it will require a great deal of sacrifice from every member of your family to do it. Better to go through the sacrifice on your own now, and bring the gift of as much preparation for adult life as possible to the lives of your future family.

  • Second, it is impossible to see from this end of the journey why God might be leading you through your parents down this difficult path of preparation.

It is easy to feel the burning desire that God has put into your heart, and think that He intends you to set forth immediately in satisfying the desires of your heart.

Perhaps He placed this special calling in you in order to help you persevere through the difficult years of preparation. You have been given a very special gift and love to want to help people the way you so passionately do. Don't think that you will be any less able to act on it if you put some thought and preparation towards a direction that might enable you to exponentially increase your ability to bring help and relief to the needy. Remember, God placed Moses in training as a Shepherd for forty years as he was matured and prepared to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.

  • Finally, College is not only a place for learning, but also a place for meeting people and establishing relationships that may impact you for the rest of your life.

You never know which classmate, Professor or internship may be awaiting you, and your vision and love for helping the hurting and needy. This may be something that you won't even discover until 30 years after graduation, when one of those relationships is full of financial wealth from a prosperous career, and looking for a trusted person or ministry to donate to. So take your love for people, and begin to apply it to the people you interact with on a daily basis. Build some lasting friendships and relationships without the expectation of using them for anything more than friendship. Let God bring the gifts if it is His plan.

If there is nothing else you take away from my advice, please just consider that it is a short time in life that will be taken up in studies, and you can still be kind and helpful to those in need while in school. You might even be able to create a Senior Thesis that relates to the very thing you are most passionate about.

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