Is Humanity Prepared For The Discovery Of Alien Life?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemians... I write another post that will make you question your morals and honesty. As I write this I know some of you may have scoffed as you read the title. Fair enough, not everyone has the intelligence enough to open their own mind comepletely and honestly to phathom such a possibility.

I was once at a party and I had been drinking (to be honest) when the question was posed to me like this, "If a UFO hovered or landed right in front of you, would your run from it or go to it?" I was also told beforehand that I had to answer the question immediately without thinking about it. (Btw this is an excellent question to ask anyone drunk or sober).

I answered honestly and quickly, "I would walk towards the ship."


Truthfully it's a hard question to answer honestly and on the spot without thinking about it. We humans are basic creatures driven mostly by immediate emotional responses. Others at the party who had heard our conversation interjected jokes such as , "I knew you've always wanted to be probed by an alien in the butt." etc...etc. In reality if aliens traveled millions of light years to this planet I do not believe harvesting my farts would be their top priority... just sayin'.

But it does beg the question, is humanity as a whole prepared for the mere discovery of "extraterrestrial alien life". I believe there's a huge difference if you are talking about an actual entity like a "grey alien" or microbes in a petri dish. I do also believe it depends on what country of the world you've been born to. I came across a couple of articles that have broached this subject.

I personally know that as I previously said, "I would walk to the ship" I believe I would overcome my fear for good or ill and be prepared for whatever happens next. I also truly believe as is stated in these articles that humanity is definitely "not ready" as a whole. The simple truth of the matter is that we cannot overcome our fears and prejudices of each other let alone another species. I will however say that if an alien race attacked our planet it would unite humanity as a whole and racism amongst ourselves would vanish in an instant.

The biggest question of all is, "Are you prepared for the discovery of alien life?" Answer in the comments below and don't forget to Upvote and resteem.

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The problem with this question is that it can't be answered in the context of our current society.

We walk up to the aliens and try to ask them anything...
"What is the shape of the earth" (because surely they know) and their answer would be, "None of the above."
They couldn't explain it because we don't have a word for the shape yet.

And such is all the interactions with aliens.
But, they are already here and already making contact.

"Take me to your leader" has no meaning for an advanced race that has outgrown govern-cements.

So, if the ufo landed, I would sit there and wait for them to approach and make contact in their form. (of course, it could be a USSA secret space program craft, and then I would run away)

Nice answer... the problem is that we as humans would say they think somewhat like us, when their perception of reality could be 180 degrees different on how we would think. We might be trees or rocks to them or whatever. Still I hold the hope that mathematics could bridge the communication gap we more than likely would have. Nice last sentence lol

You know, I love musing about hypothetical possibilities like this and have many times asked myself the same question. I love the idea of seeking out and finding the unknown and hopefully being able to "Picard" myself into some wonderfully diplomatic relations. The answer to your speciifc query for me has changed over the years. When I was younger I would have JUMPED at the chance, but wouldnt have perhaps had all the tools I have today to navigate successfully-but who really knows for sure. If it was the flying spaghetti monster what tools would I really need? With the unknown in mind, as the mother of a small child I would have to decline the chance unless somehow I knew she could come with me and we would both be safe.

Yes your percepection on the issue changes completely if you have a child and I do believe there is no "correct" answer only "honest" ones which you have nailed completly. The possibilities are limitless and the flying spaghetti monster never crossed my mind. You haven't been watching the Stranger Things t.v. series by any chance lol

I might have been hehe! The last season was soooooo goood!

That would be some meeting! I hope we're ready...

are you ready though? Following

born ready.. tnx, also followed!

You will never know until you actually face one (if they exist).

True I'm basing my question as if it were to happen and they do exist's like @mimulusamsterdam said, they could be flying spaghetti monster and you wouldn't know until you faced one-

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