Your Daily Morning Meditation....

in #life7 years ago

Don't be pigeonholed by what you "think" meditation is supposed to be. It can be whatever form you need it to be. Silence and thoughts of nothingness may be what the popular opinion is of mediation, but for myself and many it so something a bit different.


Here is the process of meditation as it works for me

Sit at desk sitting up right with good posture and put in my ear buds. Put on a chill song (usually instrumentals only) and then close my eyes.

Begin breathing through my nose and out of my mouth. Deep, measured breathes.

During this time I process thought

That calm and feeling of clarity is not the environment for my meditation - it is the goal!

Processing my thoughts gets me there, listening to music helps me get into a zone.

Complete silence and thoughts of nothingness is not meditation for me.

Affirming thoughts

I also have affirming thoughts go through my head, more so of things I'm accomplishing or changing.

Basically putting myself in the state of mind I want to be in.

Does any of this actually work?

Here's the thing, this process may do something for me mentally and it may not . What I do know is that the act of deliberate breathing definitely has an impact on me. I feel more functional, for lack of a better word on days I do this process compared to when I miss a couple days.

It's roughly a five minute process for me...usually the length of a song.

This is the song I have used this week. I'm sure it will change in the next week as it changed the week before.

Thanks pixabay


Nice work reminding people that meditation comes in different shapes and sizes. I think there would be lots of people who are put off because they think they have to be able to have a blank mind.

Yes, I agree. I didn't meditate for a long time because I thought it had to fit in X box when it can really be whatever you need it too. Heck, I even have a friend that plays baskteball as his mediation because as he is playing he isn't thinking about anything else. Just living in the moment and embracing the movement of the game.

Just imagine how it would be if we could be 100% present in what we're doing, all of the time! wow...

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