Having an Easy Life Makes you Clueless and Fragile in the End

in #life7 years ago

I know it's wrong to begrudge someone who clearly has it easier than you. However I know of someone who always had good looks, was popular back in high school, is doing well financially, was blessed with 3 healthy and smart kids, goes on vacations several times a year, and so on.

I know that her life isn't problem free because there is no such thing, but based on what I know her life is a lot easier than mine, and I think the majority of others. Like I said it would be petty to begrudge her and given too that she is nice. But face it. She has no wisdom. She comes off as clueless because she simply is. I would never take advice from her because she simply doesn't get it. Lastly if she ever did face real adversity she would easily crumble.

This is the hardcore truth. If you have been through hell whatever that may be, you will be wiser and be better equipped to handle stress in the end. The risk is you may be bitter (I will admit in some cases I am but I try not to let that take over).

Between dealing with abuse, bullying, PCOS, weight problems, depression and raising a child with special needs, and dealt with mild infertility in the past, my life has NOT been easy. Sure there are great things I can list too but that is not relevant to this post.


If you have what is displayed in this picture above up your ass, in other words if you have been cruising all areas of your life, any advice you have for me will not be taken seriously.

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I wont check as I imagine doing that would be painful but I am fairly confident I do not have one of those up my Ass but I am also sure i know others w ho sound like the person you mention, just everything falls in their way,

Now I haven't had as many as issues you have had to dealt with but have had my bumps on lifes path and even I wonder why some others seem to all have it easy

But I think the key is you have dealt with all of lifes knocks and kept on trucking, that shows how strong you are take pride in that

Most people aren't as lucky as this woman is. But a break from hell is always welcomed.

lets hope a good break comes your way you deserve it

Well my son is at a good setting now and that is the best thing for him and for me, my husband and my daughter so I can really focus on her and my mental health. That's a start.

Definitely the experiences give us the strength and the capacitie to resolve problems that life is giving to us all the time, we win more gaining what we have with our effort that having everything given away. A week ago I had talked about this topic, is so nice that you did it too!

I have been reading your posts for quite some time now and I must say... that this statement...

If you have been through hell whatever that may be, you will be wiser and be better equipped to handle stress in the end. The risk is you may be bitter (I will admit in some cases I am but I try not to let that take over).

is VERY accurate, but All I EVER see you focus on is the negative. I understand that you suffer with depression (we have crossed this bridge before in comments) - I am VERY familiar with the depths of this as one of my siblings has suffered with severe depression for YEARS! (so please don't undermine me or my knowledge)... but WHY don't you at least TRY to talk about something OTHER than how much misery you are in? - and stop "gutting" people that are in fact happy! (You will NEVER know what they went through to get there!)

Why not talk about how much of a BLESSING your special needs child is, or how LUCKY you are to be his/her mother! Why not talk about something GOOD that happened in your day, week or month?... even if you have to scratch at the bottom of the barrel to find it!

You are aware of where you stand, so why don't you shift your blogging focus on to something other than "the problem"?

No, perhaps it won't be easy, perhaps it wont come naturally... but it might just be worthwhile at the end of the day...?

Just my thoughts... (and perspective) :)

Actually if YOU don't suffer from depression but your sibling does then you have no business telling me how negative my posts are because you clearly don't get it. And I don't care if I am judged because I am used to it especially since you are not in my shoes but I can in a heartbeat say that my fantastic daughter IS my pillar, my light, has given me strength for everything. My son is autistic and has other special needs. I did my best with him but after a tipping point has happened I clearly can't help him anymore. He is getting the best treatment now hopefully and at a residential school/home. My stress levels are better now. I was given far more than what I could handle.

@jaynie If you have such a problem with what's she's posting, why do you keep reading it? She's blogging about her perspective. Just like we all do. Also, I see no evidence of her gutting anyone. She even said she didn't begrudge her and knows her life isn't problem free. Does this tactic work well with your depressed sibling? Yeah, i doubt it. And, i don't think you're qualified to judge Miriam. So don't.

@chelsea88 thanks Hun I appreciate you standing up for me. I was incredibly taken aback by her response and I was also wondering whose life I gutted. 🤔

Exactly!! And you are welcome =)

Challenges build character. ❤️

A break is always nice though and some blessings right? My disabled son is at the right place now and that helps heaps, him as well as myself and my daughter.

It's true, breaks are helpful. But also, learning to have peace despite the chaos and difficulties is key.

"This is the hardcore truth. If you have been through hell whatever that may be, you will be wiser and be better equipped to handle stress in the end. The risk is you may be bitter (I will admit in some cases I am but I try not to let that take over)."

Precisely. I have been acquainted with people like that too. And, many of them are nice! But as you said, they know nothing. i was actually friends with a girl in my adolescence and early adulthood who this is the primary reason our friendship didn't last. I was always working, no handouts. At one point 3 jobs, full time college, and cross country. The cross country ended up stopping under the other pressures. This girl would constantly make such naive fucking comments about things. Like this was when unlimited texting wasnt easily affordable for all people.... she didn't understand why i couldn't text her more often. She "worked" for fun at a merle Norman makeup store. Until it was too stressful. ...i.e. they wanted her to work more hours. She went to a nice private university. Said she didn't want to go to mine because it wasn't as "safe." She actually was really not trying to be rude, seriously. She was just really naive as to how her comments would come off to someone (me) who didn't have all those luxuries because my divorced parents were not loaded like her undivorced ones were! She didn't understand domestic violence or financial problems at all. Not that I would wish It on anyone!! But you know what I mean. It ultimately ended our friendship because she kept getting under my skin (even though it was unintentional). Probably good she went to the private college so she could be with all the other spoiled people. Resteemed.

@chelsea88 I can only imagine how frustrating that was for you. Wow yeah I would have been tired of it too. And you are right, it is probably best that she went to the private college for many reasons. However I have to say this. I can't begrudge a nice person who was born with a great hand but it's hard not to when it comes to awful bullies because I have come across many with horseshoes up their asses too!!

Right, I hear you. I guess i should re word that we didn't really have a catastrophic friendship "break up " we just grew apart due to obvious reasons. As I Said, She really is the nicest person and I'd never wish harm on anyone. And holding grudges is a waste of time. Anywho, have a good day Miriam!

I have had friendships like that too. And thanks. You too Chelsea.

I think we all know someone who has lead a charmed life in one way or another. I try not to think about them though. The reality is that spending any time thinking of those people or begrudging their good future is a waste of your own time and energy and only serves to depress you.

No and I get that but they are the ones Ibwoukd never go to for advice..

oh for sure, I wouldn't either, you are absolutely right about that!

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