in #life6 years ago (edited)

  To Be, To Stay, To Leave?  

  Shakespeare's question expanded  

How much sense does it make to write about flowers, spring and butterflies, but to close one's heart and eyes in regard to the big things that change the world around us, and not for our benefit?

As a traveler who has been living intensely in several countries for the last three decades, I have had and still have the opportunity to make the firsthand experience and learn about things which the media reported about.  Most reports are for the majority of people who do not have the opportunity to gain personal experience. And most of that majority can easily be fished into the net of the presented versions. And it's becoming dangerous here. The media is mostly second-hand experience and in the services of much bigger players than an ordinary person can perceive. Star Wars is not a bad presentation of that game. The main game is playing in order to get believers, believers become followers and followers become soldiers. For whom and for what?

And that is when the principle of Ignorance begins, making it possible for all kind of games well played, and not only in politics. Because the way of thinking and reacting becomes a matter of general importance, as it is a tool of universal influence. Therefore, taking a healthy distance from any information is a question of common sense, personal hygiene and integrity. 

 Social Platforms

The same applies to various social platforms which only feed the ego and give a false idea of a personal size. And to get a real idea how it works, who really wants to see a little more, if looking deeper and over a longer period of time, because everything changes rapidly every day, the discovery of an unseen comes out, a courtesy of voices and signatures, compliments to maintain status, provocative images of the protagonist, not having any connections with what they do, but by stimulating the lowest instincts, serve to feed the eyes and to get an easy vote for something which has nothing to do with the work. For a seat close to some big fish or other important sea creature, or for the voice of the big fish, people lose their sense of decency, ethics or dignity. Everything under the motto - I give everything for the vote if my work is not enough or not recognized. In literature, this is called a fall on low branches.

Everything is a very well-designed game for the incentive of the ego of all players, all under the slogan of some extreme changes. And in such a setting of a mass race, as well as in life, it is a game of big players who give seats and roles to those close to them or to their followers. Others simply serve their purpose. 

 Suggested Reality

Someone call it wise, some kind of civil bravery, but whatever we call it, as long as we do not see, hear or react to the problems of our neighbors, because they are not ours,  we should not be surprised when the same issue knocks on our door.

It starts with a different religion, a different color of the skin, a different belonging in the game, or party, or with a different sexual orientation ... The next level are smokers ( and for the record, I am not a smoker), then walkers of a different path,  then observers… and as long as it all passes, when the same principle of suppression and brainwashing knocks on our door, in the form of a law stating that water or air need to be paid for, it will be late. The one opening the door will then be surprised over how this is even possible, and unaware of their personal role in this development, and their personal contribution to it.

The humorous side of the story is the illusion of education. Some are feeding egos by books, and information about a new approach to this and that, creating an illusion of personal development. But, in fact, none or very little of such discoveries is incorporated in personal changes. The level of consciousness doesn’t expand, but stays within the same limitation as it has been before. There are topics so deeply seeded that all the new gained knowledge will not awaken the questioning spirit over those old topics. The roots are too deep.

We quote wise people how we are all drops of the same ocean, or particles of the same energy, or Universe, or whatever. But even when being absolutely convinced that we really see and understand things,  at least theoretically, it is easy to fall into the old traps and old ways of thinking and approaching topics when confronted by some authority figure we learned to trust.

 Don’t Be A Ficus

I have always thought that art is a powerful tool to influence consciousness.

Sabine Nore's painting "Do not be a Ficus" is the inspiring painting for this article. It has everything I have tried to say here.

People like to talk about the need to achieve the critical mass for the change of consciousness. But, it seems that ficuses are growing rapidly, well dressed in hatred, or intolerance.

However, the cosmic law, "as you sow, so shall you reap", works whether we like it or not.
How comforting that is, I am not sure.

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Original story by  Mirjana Mut,  @mira13 - Steemit, 2018  


Very nice...

You remember Plato's cave? The shadow games, rewards within this system, in order to strengthen the system, as well as one's own position within it...
How reasonable is it to expect anyone who is dependent on this system to want anything more than applause and a bowl of cookies?
In that sense, talks of consciousness expansion, and such, easily become just another (cheap) tool of achieving the same objective, just another game of shadows.

To be understood by the mass one has to speak the language of the mass. Moreover, one has to want to do so. That's still not a guarantee for being understood, it's merely a basic requirement.

Find the rarest kind of person, the kind who has been outside, and you can have a conversation.
In other cases, considering the tremendous amount of energy required to undo all the damage that has already been done, over the course of decades, it easily defaults back to "why even bother?"

" In other cases, considering the tremendous amount of energy required to undo all the damage that has already been done, over the course of decades, it easily defaults back to "why even bother?" True! Thank you!

Always a pleasure! :) xo

"The medium is the Massage" from Marshall McLuhan is what comes to mind when I hear in your words of this first part.
I have been initially brought up as a bit of an outcast of society, I have, as an adult found my way to relate to it but I still feel a little alien to many "established truths" of society. I would like to talk more about this but I don´t really feel comfortable in this medium to do so. So I will say in short that I believe in working in my immediate surrounding to help unwind the knots I find in my way, deal with what I come across and I can assure you, this has a much larger repercussion. I´m sure you know what I mean.
If one thinks in the fractal way, One can see the immediate close environment is a small fractal of the larger picture. To resume that, I can say "truth" goes beyond dimensions. Not sure If I have expressed well what I wanted to say, but I tried! Thanks for writing this!

"So I will say in short that I believe in working in my immediate surrounding to help unwind the knots I find in my way, deal with what I come across and I can assure you, this has a much larger repercussion. I´m sure you know what I mean." Yes, I do. Beautiful answer. Thank you.

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