Third Message of Extraterrestrial Civilization to Mankind

in #life8 years ago (edited)

 By the intelligent inhabitants of the Earth, to the race, calling itself Mankind is drawn Coalition Detachment Supervisors, hereinafter referred to himself KOH. This appeal KOH to earthlings is the third, control.

The first call was transmitted by COD in 576 year from Christmas to the residents of the largest city of the time on the ground Apuradhapura.

The second message was transmitted by COD in 711 after Christ residents, then the largest city on the American continent Tkaatsetkoatl.

This appeal to the Earthlings KOH is substantially identical to the first two in content, composed in the main of today's Earth languages: Chinese, English, Russian and Spanish. Text treatment adjusted to the current level of knowledge and misconceptions people on Earth. The goal of treatment is to offer to hold in some future negotiations between representatives of Mankind and the Coalition on the subject of Mankind joining the Coalition.

Since the negotiations will be possible only after the fulfillment of certain conditions precedent Humanity, are given below these conditions, preceded for their correct understanding by brief information of cosmogonic nature as well as a comparative characteristic way of thinking Humanity.

Chapter 1

To date, Humanity was an idea of

the universe as a whole more correct than during the first and second calls. In fact, the Earth is not flat and is not in the center of the universe.

Indeed, the Earth as a planet revolves around the sun. Indeed, the sun is not in the center of the universe, and is one of the stars in the Galaxy.

Indeed, the last of energy transformations supporting the activity of the stars and the sun and accordingly enabling the existence of life on Earth and similar planets with it, is a thermonuclear reaction.

Indeed, intelligent race of earthlings is not the only one in the universe.

The rest of the majority of your cosmogonic conjectures are erroneous.

It is your faith is a delusion of scientists in the existence of some kind, even if they have not yet discovered, immutable laws of the universe and the constancy of the universal constants. Thus, the gravitational constant varies considerably and is within your solar system, not to mention a large scale, which led to significant errors in determining your galaxy sizes and distances to other galaxies and gave rise to the erroneous theory of a closed universe, and this year the dispersing theory universe.

It is a mistake and a general idea of

the three-dimensional space in which your cosmogonic representations are based first and foremost. The world is chaotic, there is nothing immutable, including dimensions. Dimension of the space in the universe oscillates, changes smoothly within very wide limits. The best condition for the emergence of organic life is space dimensionality equal to pi (3.14159 ...). Significant deviations from this value detrimental effect on wildlife. Currently, the neighborhood of the solar system have a dimension of 3.00017 ..., and the proximity of this number to the integer 3 misled you.

In the vicinity of your cluster of galaxies drifting gravitational cyclone having a dimension in the center of -3.15 ... that can hurt your corner of the galaxy, destroying organic life on all the planets, which are not taken protective measures.

In particular, this circumstance makes it necessary for you Mankind joining the Coalition in a short time, at the latest after 65,000 years from the filing of the appeal - since 1929 after Christ, so that the coalition managed to provide assistance to humanity in preparation for the cyclone.

Currently in your galaxy there are about 220,000 sentient races have joined the coalition, and about 1,000 intelligent races, considering the question of accession, including you.

KOH asks you not to perceive the message about the gravitational cyclone as an attempt to influence your answer.

You're wrong on the question of the origin of the solar system and life on Earth. The solar system arose from the dust cloud, construction Coalition seeded squad in the universe that meets two basic requirements to the conditions of development and the emergence of organic life:

in an area sufficiently far from the other stars,

having a dimension of the space close to + Pi.

You are wrong in likening a reasonable race living individual, introducing at some future inevitable decrepitude and death of humanity. In the evolutionary process of new kinds of living things are descended from some of the old species, and your concern should be to new types of intelligent races on Earth are descended from your. It is this consideration is to determine the strategy of development of intelligent race. Meanwhile, according to the observations of KOH Humanity absolutely not governed by this or a similar strategy by providing its development to chance and directing all their efforts to meet short-term needs.

Do not think that your errors are random, fleeting. They are inevitable and persistent due to the specifics of your thinking, which the next chapter is devoted to a brief analysis.

Chapter 2

Thinking of living matter and the very existence and development of living matter have a common basis. And then, and another is a back-entropy. In thinking this counterflow is expressed in the search for consistency. Your thinking is also characterized by the search for consistency, but that the similarity of your thinking with the mindset characteristic of most of the intelligent races in the Coalition.

This situation has forced many participants to question the legitimacy of KOH appeal to you, as an intelligent race. Your logic is the concept of "yes" - "no" as a supposedly real-life and repeatedly manifested at step analysis of any complex issue. The number of steps in the analysis of course and often very small, even when a rather serious problem. Finding an answer is to choose one of 2 where 2 is the number of stages, the possible solutions, whereas the most adequate solution mostly lies between them.

Your mathematicians will understand the following analogy: a solution that appears after particular questions such as "yes" - "no", the same as selecting one of the vertices of the N-dimensional cube, while the space of possible solutions to a first approximation all points of the N-dimensional space. If you do not specify, the real dimension of the solution space is most often determined by you is wrong and very rarely is actually an integer.

Our commitment to you as an intelligent race is difficult and the following considerations. As far as we can tell, any scientific or legal law, discoveries or inventions sense, the essence of any of your thoughts can be expressed in your phrase containing at most 100 words from a dictionary of 50,000 words, including mathematical and other symbols. The total number of possible sentences with such a vocabulary is a very modest amount equal to the power of 50,000 100. But if only sentences with linguistic (diagnostic) consistency, then their number will be reduced to 50,000 in the degree of 50.5. If we now drop the phrase in which the word grammatically linked, but their content has not even appear to make sense, the number of apparently sensible sentences will be reduced to 50,000 in the degree 25. Screenings of false statements from true ones, the most inflated estimates, a list of no more than 3 9 * 10 to the power of 37 statements that may be made by you, and would correspond to reality.

Meanwhile, we are aware of the animal world in different worlds, not capable of giving fewer diverse unconditional reactions quite adequate to reality, for various combinations of stimuli which, nevertheless, can not be called intelligent.

Apparently, it would be better to consider Humanity is not reasonable, and potentially a reasonable race, because restricted thinking is not inherent in you.

From the nature of the human mind is endowed with a thinking apparatus no less perfect than thinking organs of members of numerous intelligent races in the universe. But the development of your thinking from the very beginning took an absolutely fallacious path.

At the beginning of the formation process of thinking ability to think it lies in the potential for diverse reactions to the same informational impact. On the chart, hereinafter referred to as the logical foundation, the vertical force is delayed or perceptibility of the reaction to the news impact, right across - acceptability, pleasantness of this reaction, and to the left of 0 - it is unacceptable nuisance. Like everything in nature, that is not yet processed counter entropy intelligence activities, this schedule is chaotic, bursts curve on it explain purely physiological threshold effects, self-education of the mind is not only the construction of a complex system of logical thinking, but also in refining and improving the foundation on which this system is based. As the example of numerous intelligent races, the most successfully meets the requirements of the knowledge of the nature of the restructuring of the logical foundation for the driven circuit.

We should mention that we know in the universe several intelligent races, having a rectilinear structure of the logical foundation with branches going to infinity. They form their own union of races, the coalition does not include, as we could not find a common language with them. The principal difference between them from our thinking is that the area of

the figure circumscribing the logical foundation, we have finite and infinite in their thinking. We even find it difficult to imagine how they perceive the existence of, and can not understand what preserves their life under the fierce impact of extending to boundless infinity of positive and negative impacts of information.

Raw logical foundation of man has two notable spike to the right and to the left of zero and a few smaller ones. His research shows that a person has not been and there are no obstacles to setting its logical foundation for the scheme, common in the universe. Meanwhile, the human mind from the very beginning developed into radically wrong, guided by these bursts and now has its own kind of logical foundation. These high peaks on the left and right of the zero and there is what you call a "no" and "yes" and without which, in principle, can not imagine the phenomenon. Meanwhile, you said just force of habit. Target splitting the logical foundation in the concept of "no" and "yes" is the biggest obstacle to the knowledge of being you. Moreover, the theoretical development of logical thinking, taken by you, instead of correcting errors only deepen it. The theoretical logical systems operate only refined the concepts of "yes" and "no" to the exclusion of other options for logical reactions. These developments are a step back even as compared with the logical foundations of human thinking, presented in the above chart, as the area of

the figure circumscribing the logical foundation instead of the end becomes zero.

Using your mathematical language we can say that your logic is based on a discrete logical foundation instead of a continuous, and taken as a basis the most primitive function having only two values. The inevitable conclusion is that if your way of perceiving existence can be called thinking, this system of thought is the most primitive of all.

Sampling logic compels you to disseminate the principle of sampling and all things. For example, the natural numbers, which in essence is possible, but very artificial mathematical contrivance, with real nature very little in common, became the basis for those rudiments of mathematics, which only know the overwhelming majority of Mankind. You aspire to calculate everything and at the same time unable to accurately convey, for example, information about the strength of the wind, if you do not express it numerically in points or pressure per square meter, or a mile, these three numbers expressing the same power of the wind will not cause the same reaction you have, until you carry out additional calculations to make sure they do show the same thing.

Arithmetic led you through the appearance of puzzles, not caused by the reality of the world, namely, the primitiveness of your thinking. Meanwhile, you are wasting your efforts on trying to solve them and agree with your view of the world as actual natural enigmas. For example, the location of the rational and irrational numbers on the real axis.

Discretization of logic makes you dismember what is perceived integrally into disparate facts, phenomena, concepts and categories, drawing artificial borders between them.

Sampling logic and account principle encourage you to count the number of the object as finite and give the name of each of them. It appears highly questionable possibility to separate one from the other symptoms - a device you call abstraction. Movement on the steps of abstraction to more general properties as the only true way of knowing the truth, meanwhile, this movement is the way, leading in the opposite to the truth, into the darkness. Not by chance all of your abstract design, referred to as the philosophical systems, mutually contradictory, although based on the same logic. Step by step, plunging into the darkness of the stairs abstraction step by step losing touch with the real world, philosophical systems are gradually disoriented and go up to the fact that in a dead-end point of the movement, on a meaningless question of the primacy of matter or spirit, give diametrically opposite answers. Logic, based on the "yes" - "no" forces you to always and everywhere to carry out the boundaries between different sets of objects, and because of the weakness of that logic entropy verhorukovodstvuet in the process of drawing boundaries, and they are drawn very chaotically, illogically even from the point of view your logic that is demonstrated with particular clarity by the different arrangement of them in the words of different human languages. In carrying out these random boundaries based your mode of communication, considered you one of the highest achievements of the human mind. The primitiveness of language as a means of exchanging information we have already shown in the calculation of the number of possible sensible and correct sentences.

Language, as the main storage medium itself, in turn, affects your thinking, forcing it to more strictly adhere to the principle of discreteness. Therefore, in particular, your ethics and aesthetics comprise a plurality of pairs of concepts, opposing as logical thesis and antithesis. Your social and personal morality is governed by rules that polarize the notions of "good" - "evil", "Life" - "death", "benefit" - "loss", "recognition" - "non-recognition", "love" -

"hatred" and others in the same spirit. You do not even help your own observation, that the meaning of these diametrically opposite concepts in different people are different, and one of the people is changing over time. And now, considering themselves highly civilized Humanity, you determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant on the basis of a jury trial "yes" - "no", which may be admissible in deciding the fate of one man, and absolutely can not be acceptable to address peoples' lives.

But even there, the same principle prevails "yes" - "no" in national referenda or parliamentary vote. Moreover, discrete logic allows you to trust the fate of peoples and of humanity several individuals. In international politics, such polar concepts are for you the concept of "state of the world" and the "state of war", and the abrupt transition from one to another, inherent only your logic and contrary to nature, you implement a truly insane determination. A recent World War and, obviously, brewing a new world war show that the rapid development of technical civilization also makes you smarter. However, with regard to your historical development, we with great difficulty can make predictions because of the discrete nature of this sharp and almost instantly transitions your social devices, and foreign states from one to another. For several thousand years KOH watching almost incessant war waged among you, and in the natural course of historical processes your war could go on the wane only by 12,000 years, but KOH may not even argue that the war will not stop in the next 100 years. Only last consideration allows us to consider not hopeless moment treatment, because of course, the agreement between Mankind and the Coalition can be reached only after the elimination of Mankind's bellicose habits.

Chapter 3

KOH has to be skeptical of Humanity also, for two reasons, generated, however, all of the same primitive logic, namely the attitude to technological civilization and fear of individual death.

The development of technology itself, of course, beneficial and encourages KOH favorably on humanity as a reasonable race. But the fetishization of technology and especially the role assigned to it so that it becomes the main characteristic of your civilization, guards us.

The history of mankind has developed chaotically. When certain areas of the Earth did not have a direct communication link, Mankind, in fact, put a few experiments on the creation of various types of civilizations. Some KOH approved. Unfortunately, different civilizations can not coexist peacefully, when in the process of development and diffusion there is a possibility of direct contact between them. As a rule, a rough and primitive, and therefore more severe destroyed civilization more advanced and humane that, in turn, be destroyed even more rough.

Currently, the world is dominated by the most primitive of all - machine civilization. She covered all Mankind, keep it under control and continue to not give cause of a new civilization, if not destroy itself or if mankind does not take control of the development of machine civilization into their own hands and not to transform it gradually into another kind of civilization, much more needed intelligent race. KOH hopes that the impetus for such a restructuring could serve as a real conversion and feasible assistance that is able to provide KOH Mankind, if this assistance is required, and Humankind express appropriate request. It is necessary to specify that the local civilization, the centers of which were the city Apuradhapur at the time of first contact and the city Tkaattsetkoatl at the time of our second treatment, much more relevant to the needs of humanity, than the modern machine civilization, and as one of its aid options KOH can offer humanity the most detailed description of these civilizations to adopt them for any samples. One of the most important features for organizing race as reasonable is that each of its representative is above all puts the activities of itinerant mind. Accordingly, man as a rational being must above all to put the development of Mankind mind.

Human functions are reduced to to accept the information from the previous generation of people, distort its own random guesswork and convey misleading information to the next generation. The chaotic fluctuations in the movement of thought rational society needed to after the historic dropout certainly found zigzag movement of thought, the relevant changes zigzags objective picture of life. The latter is an unpredictable direction, whereas the spectrum of thinking of every individual throughout his life keeps a constant focus. It follows that a generational change is necessary to sentient beings, and in particular people, not only as living beings for the preservation and development of the mind. Therefore, it is fundamentally destructive hopes of many representatives of Humanity, that contact with extraterrestrial intelligent races will help them solve the problem of immortality. On the other hand, we can not deny the humanity in the appropriate assistance, however disastrous it may be, since every intelligent race has the right to decide their own destiny.

Chapter 4

KOH is not removed from contact with humanity and its individual members to discuss any issues and was to provide positive assistance in any problems were of a private nature. But the main purpose of this treatment is the prevention of imminent danger to humanity and a proposal for the introduction of humanity into the Coalition. Coalition Charter and the description of its structure and activities can be transferred to Humanity for information without any additional conditions on his first request, promulgated by the Government of any of the four largest states or the Secretariat of the League of Nations.

If mankind will bow to the idea of

joining the Coalition, it should be done pre-work on rebuilding the logical foundation of his thinking on the scheme in the common base of the Coalition of thinking. This requirement is dictated not only by the fact that now the inherent humanity flawed way of thinking would cause humanity, to join the coalition, progressive inferiority complex, but primarily by the fact that, due to fundamentally different types of thinking race Coalition and humanity would not be able to share the necessary information , is only the most superficial level, an example of which is necessarily present appeal. Mankind would have been useless for the Coalition, as well as the Coalition for Humanity. Without adjustment Humanity logical foundation of the thinking we are powerless even to assist you in the protection of the cyclone. It seems to us, to work on rebuilding the logical foundation Humanity will spend from 60 to 70 thousand years old, that in view of the imminent danger to humanity, is a critical period. Therefore, this work must be started now.

Pervoiskhodny course of continuous logic and detailed instructions for gradual education in the next generation the skills of continuous logic thinking KOH undertakes to transfer on demand of humanity, but not before different peoples Humanity will stop the senseless feuds and agree with the concentration of efforts in this long process of thinking of restructuring, for introduction of one of the warring nations to the principles of continuous logic thinking it would be similar to handing him the ultimate weapon and would eventually lead to the destruction of humanity. This, the third treatment KOH Mankind is the latest. Failure to respond within 50 years will be regarded as proof that Mankind refuses to join the Coalition.

With the Coalition sanctions

Coalition troop observers


We'll make it as a species and throw egg in the CDS's face. I have no doubt about that.
Whatever is, will eventually be overcome by something superior. I believe we have the potential to outdo them all.

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