Life is changing rapidly in technology: Profit and loss accounting

in #life6 years ago

mars-mars-rover-space-travel-robot-73910.jpegToday's generation floating in the tide of technology. The whole world seems to be smaller than the marble in the hand. Hands-on-hand technology Mobile, Computer, iPod, Tab The world's news is now available from small mobile handsets. Recall from everyday. The generation is running at the speed of technology. Face online, internet. There is no patience in reading text books, sabbatical books in the library stock, that this generation of knowledge-seekers The technology is taking away today's fast pace of the brain, and the speed of the physical labor has been reduced to the weak quota. Generation eyes are now online The whole world is in the heart of the world. Looking at Google search on the Internet, the whole world's names are visible in characters. It is known about the language of the country. Now instead of printed paper electric book (ebook) Instead of searching for something, Google, like Mozilla, many search engines are now in hand. There is a lot of information that is exposed in minutes when you search by typing a word. So what is the cost of spending money in cities, ports, and unemployed? Time is also waste. This generation wants everything in the moment. Today's technology is taking the path of young generation of young generation.

Young people online busy around If you do not have a mobile phone then life will be stagnant. This mobile phone is going to be able to know about the news abroad Finding Yourself Now the type of mobile has changed. Various varieties of mobile phones Smoot and Android mobile are being spotted with hands High resolution camera. Capture is so shiny pictures. The pictures speak like a living man. The story after a long time with the voice call in the voice call The words of the mind are bursting like a barrage, expressing the message through sms. That's not easy to say (like I love you). It can be said frankly on mobile. With the help of multimedia massage (MMS) to express feelings for the moment, the feelings of the mind can be conveyed momentarily to different images. The image is written on the face of the mind. The loved ones also lost that message. For a long time, he spent time thinking silently about the subject, someone cheated the SMS, MMSsaker in the mind. The current time of technology is going to change in dynamics.

Thousands of songs on mobile mobile Audio, video ringtones. Someone who lives in a quiet and quiet way, lives on a new and lost day of music. Someone expresses their minds through the small part of the song (ringtone) mobile memory card.

The best race people of the era One man and another woman among men. Male crazy love of women, women of love of men Earth's life on this love family Wearing clothes are made to wear love window. In the relationship between men and women, the relationship between the two men and women has started to become a family life. The original generation of Adam and Eve and the original mother, Eve (A), has expanded into the bonds of men and women of the world, the world's native generation. Generation from generation to generation In today's scientific civilization, breaking of the original civilization, the emergence of generation, the different chapter of the history of rice and rice. At noon do not have to write letters for long periods of time. Post offices do not have to check the post office box. Friend guides, newspapers are not required for relationships and friendships. This is an era. Digitally digital digital sound All the natural feelings of humankind are being merged with technocracy.
The technology is changing to the touch as if all the. The urban populace from the city's glitter form. Technology has been touching everywhere. On the brick house of the rural population, the house is being built on a wall surrounded by beautiful walls. Lightning is reaching home. The use of electric current is the latest electronic equipment taking place in the house. Satellite air messages like Disney, DVD, Computer, Tab, iPod and much more. Housewives are becoming modern Used for the use of electric fridge, rice cooker, curry cooker .......... Giving them the opportunity to educate the children of the world, a better mobile for communication, computers (desktop, laptops, netbooks) to know the world, and timely utility tools needed to achieve future goals. There is a huge change in the way of modern technology and the changes in education. That is why today's boys and girls do not have to wait for long hours to get education as the previous civilization. Roads in the cities, ports and villages are now very convenient for transport of suction vehicles. A few minutes later the car. Car tickets can be cut on the internet. Closest schools / colleges and universities Compared with the past, the life of the people of this period is quite advanced. People still eat well, even when there is poverty, then later. The situation has improved. The value of wealth is much higher than the previous civilization. Past poverty and current poverty are very different. The environment changed, so life has changed too. Biology of the animals in the form of timely forest creates creatures. At that time the movie was seen in the black and white TV screen How curious it was in Today, colorful TV shows are available on different screens of different channels of the world. How many changes in silver screen? Digital technology has changed the appearance of the whole world.

Young people of this generation live in the world of the world. Where is the creation of an enormous reality? The whole world is seen in the hands of a small mobile phone. Which we call the Internet in simple language. Be surprised when the elderly heard the name of the Internet on their prehistoric assumptions. The face said to the quiver, how many days will be. It was not such a time. " At that time the science could not progress as much. The only way to do that was by introducing the science of science through radio and TV. Today the progress of science is very good. The young generation has made it very easy to think of today's sophisticated science. The competition for the new generation has come to prominence. While sitting in the house, there is a small mobile in the world around the eye to turn around. The wondrous creation of the science of the science of the early science of what is happening, when it is going to happen and what is going to happen, through the Internet, people of this generation, including people of this time, are also involved. Worldwide youth win now The presence of young people in the cremation of the creates is making the world a shadow. Mac Zucker Berg created the 'Facebook' as a social network in 2006, making the whole world wonder. This Facebook enters the whole world of people screaming. Youth - The word 'Facebook Facebook' in the face of teenager For which the hands do not want to lose hands a moment. What's on Facebook? The answer comes, many things 1. Facebook is a social network Relations can be made very easily, 3. Keep in touch with friends, 4. About the people of the world, their behavior, behavior and friendship can be made, 5. Meet with lost friends on Facebook, 6 For lazy time, mind-boggling mind can be familiar with Facebook Chat Chattin, File Share, Status, 7. Relationship with new friends, love-love issues with Facebook, 8 Dainandandin I, whoever is in a position, can be informed by the message, 9. Facebook is now a repository of knowledge, so there are many more answers coming out of this situation, reading stories of newspapers, reading news stories, and building up the memory of your child quickly. In this unequal use of technology, there are many such online sites like Facebook, Twitter, Twitter, Friends Circle.
The generation of another literary addict, the generation of this generation, has introduced itself to the internet. It is very easy to express itself in the world. How is it possible! The question arises when the answer is on the Internet. Which means the Internet. Another name is online, which is open range To understand online, we have now learned to understand the web site. Vividly, the first Vint Curf and Bob Khan invented the Internet. We know less about computer inventions. But many people do not know how this website is connected to the computer. In 1989, the British scientist Tim Burners Lee manuscript invented the World Wild Web. Another device that needs to be opened. The network is connected to the device. Simply use the internet to sim and modem The web connection to the computer is gradually mobile version. Mobile is built to add net connections to the needs of time. As a result, the internet explorer service is connected to the network, which is useful for the use of the internet, in the market that has come to market in the current market. Functions are added in the advanced, price-based mobile phones. Internet access is easy to use on mobile, many apps, Opera Mini, Java, Email, etc. With these functions, the Internet is much easier to use. Like most advanced tabs, ipods are called mini computers. Using these technologies, today's generation is making their own space on the web site in the online world. The web site is being set up by a large amount of money based on different writing platforms, such as blogs, magazines, commercial, autonomous, education and state-run websites. All the activities of the school / college / university seminar are now online. Regarding registration, examination results, notices, job registrations, any message is being taken online. Based on which today's generation survivors are struggling on the Internet, they are struggling to meet their needs and dreams. The idea is made, and maybe that day is not there; Everything will be online. The paper magazines, printed books are being reduced day by day, it is understood to be visible.
It's time to include everything online. Daily people are becoming dependent online now. Online shopping is necessary for some shopping needs. That's why people are shopping in the house today. Although it is the city's job-seekers, online shopping in the merchandise, and the sale of sales. How long can it take for the village to enter soon? It can be said that technology is returning to this generation as fast as possible, so that the physical laziness, making the economy grow. As a result, whatever the need is, the choice is on the computer of the home computer or in the hands of the mobile with the help of the internet. Sophisticated gadgets like mobile and online bring in technology to facilitate shopping at home. In today's mobile banking system, mobile banking like Mobikash of Grameenphone mobile phone, NGO, BRAC's bKash, Islami Bank's MICASS, Dutch-Bangla, UCash, and other mobile companies are not in danger of life risk. A small number of mobile network seam now offers technology to keep many people in the privacy of money. On the other hand, the people of this technology are enjoying the benefits of online money transfer through various banks and various international online e-banking (such as Western Money Transfer, Money Expedition .........) for transferring money from one country to another.

Due to the free freedom of technology, the youth of this time is giving a great introduction to their intellectual development. This generation is playing a rare role in the invention of the new generation. The emerging creative youth of this time are being identified as science generation. Computer sciences like hardware and software, mobile apps, robots, weapon weapons, and the presence of young scientists are more noticeable. Today's science is taking their brains into electrical speed. On the other hand, the presence of youths who are involved in the development of creative society and culture is now in the open world of freedom struggle. Internet or online huge field range. Here people of all classes live invisibly. Free expression of freedom, creative talent has been created online in different paperless electric screens. Whereas Bangla and English as a writing platform or open language publication in any language, blogs, news portals, social media, facebook, twitter, tuneups, friends and shareholders like large and large single share. From where today's technology-based youth are able to do their creative activities freely. From the individual, the family to the society, the country, the state of the picture is emerging. Right-wrong, crime, bribery, corruption, disappearance, abduction, rape, murder, torture, benefits and misdeeds are being highlighted in the moment. Again, from the development of progress, development of progress, injustice to Egypt's Tahrī Square, the Arab Spring and the massacre of 'Prajanan Chattar' of the mass movement of power generation creates the power of the burning youth of the generation of young generation. It is ensured that there is no scope for concealing crime in this IT era. Because no matter what happens, it is reaching the moment in Internet database. It can be said that people of the future will become mechanical human beings. Thinking about the creativity of a robot in the face of the monster monster and the mask of the natural human beings will be barred.

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