A Spooky Halloween Report from a Rabbit Hole: History may be Different than it Appears!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


This may take a bit of your time. For those willing to take the challenge, I assure you, it’s worth it. There is good news!

This may not scare many in this audience but it might scare more than a few to come to the realization that there’s enough evidence to conclude the basic history most of us were fed by the state education systems across the planet, were false. Looking at some recent history, we can already see how wars and state sponsored disasters are rewritten to sound accidental or unavoidable.

‘It was the only choice, otherwise, the economy would have failed!’ As the politicians hand trillions to wealthy banking executives…. at the expense of the average taxpayer who is already overburdened.

Most of us are aware of the saying: ‘...victors write the history books…’. But the extent of the official history books departure from reality that I’ve been discovering, boggles my mind. Once again, I have to thank the technological wonder the internet represents. I would have never known otherwise.

My original interest was in gauging how dumbed down society has become and how long the process has been going on. One only has to go as far as the Pyramids in Egypt to understand there were some powerful minds and superior knowledge being utilized far into the past (I remain a skeptic of the ancient alien theory). Which means the possibility of it being put together by smarter ancient humans exists, at least, in my mind.

About four months ago I happened to watch a video discussion of Joseph Scalinger who was one of the key figures in the modern understanding of the chronology of historical events. The discussion went on to suggest that 1000 years of time had been “created” to deliver an agenda for a particular group of people.

Initially, I took it with a grain of salt. Over a month or so, I listened to a few more hours of their research and information. One thing in particular caught my attention. A claim that one of the possible reasons for this invention of time was to hide the existence of Tartary. A huge “empire” primarily of Asia, that stretched from Europe to Japan and possibly into Africa and the Americas. It may have been much more anarchic, properous and peaceful than anything we’re aware of in our “known” history.

Here’s the quickest summary I could find of the initial information they described: 4:54 to 14:00

I pondered on their points and decided to do more research into the subject when I had time.

I rarely watch the news or even know what mental garbage they’re feeding the masses these days. But I happened to see a clip of an ISIS crew destroying some ancient statues in Syria. Knowing that ISIS really works for the powers that be, and how convenient it was that a news crew was there to capture the atrocities, I made a mental note.

Then yesterday, when in attempting to put together a presentation. I considered using the existence of Tartary as a supporting reference. I figured it was time to look into it further and found a great deal of supporting evidence. Including a paper written by an apparent distance relative entitled “Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?”. He pointed to many identified inconsistencies from scientists across numerous fields that can’t seem to make the physical evidence match with the official timeline.


In checking out Niemitz, I found an alphabetical list of scholars through recent history that have expressed concern about inconsistencies in the historic record.


Reflecting on all this, my disgust at the entirety of this deception turned into a pleasant feeling. I see good things ahead (or I’m getting pretty used to the official story being wrong)!

For so long the masses have been told it was “our human nature” to be so violent and destructive. Known “history” is strewn with the blood and suffering of billions and monuments to human stupidity. But if it’s been concocted to obscure a real truth, maybe we just might have a history of being kind and thoughtful. Maybe the true history wasn’t always written by the sadistic brutes, psychopaths and sophists. In addition, being that in this instance, it was a rather small group that carried out this deception, it’s possible for a small group to right it. Finally, if Tartary or other forbidden history turns out to be what they suggest, we might have one more powerful rational for people to wake the fuck up and start taking command of their own life.

I thank you for your attention and I’ll be happy to field questions and comments. Have a wonderful Halloween season! Regardless if you believe it to be a fun opportunity or just one more corporate trick the public and treat themselves. Enjoy!

For those who want some additional evidence in regard to Tartary. I found this to be interesting:

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