How are you my friends?... Here's a bit dusty, but it's going :)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I would appreciate some advice about this topic!


My photo :)

Last week brought some private challenges that I had to deal with. I saw that steemit also had its own challenges around HF20, so I decided to take a break until everything stabilises...

Do you ever feel that you don't belong to this world? I often feel that way... Not interested in comparison, complaining, drama and gossip... I'm a person that will talk about the problem, but not for years, I deal with that shit immediately :) And I always look in direction of solutions, isn't that the point?

Thinking about our society and the things that I lately experienced made me angry and sad in the same time. Let me tell you a short story, so you will see what I mean...

Toxicity in the air:

Two years ago we got some new neighbours in the house nearby. Young family - Dad(40 y), Mum(35 y) and their girl that is 12 years old... After some time I sensed that something is wrong there. And I mean really wrong!

I heard my neighbours fighting almost every day and every time I was shaking when I heard those words that they say to each other! The words that they use are the worst possible words that you can imagine... I don't know how can people say that things to their loved ones...

The worst of all - he would say those words in front of everyone who passes by, like that is normal! I didn't know how to react and what to do! It was not my problem, but I couldn't pretend like it's not happening, come on! So that made me think and research what is the best thing you can do in those situations...

I live with my boyfriend and I can say that despite of all the "situations" that we had to deal with in these last seven years, I consider us as a healthy and happy couple :) We talked about this and we were both triggered to say or do something when a chance shows up...

And then, one lovely, sunny day I was in my garden when I heard their shit again. But, this time dad was beating his child in front of the house and mum was not at home. When I saw that - I snapped - that was it for me and I went there to tell him to stop or I will call the police!

He said to me that I must mind my own business or he will beat me also! Can you imagine? When he saw that I don't give a shit about his threats and that I'm not afraid of him, that I will call the police, he stopped and went to the house... The kid was crying her eyes out, feeling ashamed of all the things that he said to her, it broke my heart...

I was with her until her mother came and then I talked to her. I explained all that happened and I asked her if she wants me to call the police when this shit happens again. I didn't want to cause more problems for her, so I asked what can I do...

Do you know what was the answer? No, this is normal, he's such a good person when he's not angry. So, it's normal to beat your wife and child? Also she said that all couples have problems to deal with...

Yes, I agree that we all have our problems, but that's not normal!!! I don't want to deal with beating around my house, I don't want to walk on eggshells, being scared of my partner! And think about that child and the wounds that she will have for treating her that way, unbelievable! How can she grow in those conditions and become a balanced person around those sick people...

I can understand that the mother decides for herself, but what about her child? Beautiful little girl that will think that this way of living is normal! Children need healthy surroundings and stabile home, love and respect for their being and here she has a big chaos...

After I talked to her about those things, she said that she has everything under control and that she doesn't want any help. Ok, I respected her wish and after that I didn't hear the beating...

It doesn't mean that it stopped, I just don't hear them since that day and that's a good start... What do you think about this? I couldn't believe that our society doesn't react to this! Most of my other neighbours knew what's happening and no one seemed to care... That's scary!

I understand that this is a sensitive topic and that it needs a good thinking before action, but why do we pretend so much? How can anyone calmly sit in their home when they know that a child is molested in the house nearby? I can't be at peace knowing that, and at least I feel I tried something...

We'll see what will happen next, I just hope that we will build a better society than this! Let us all pull the weeds out of here and let's take care of each other! I know that we all have our own problems, but this needs to stop! I'll react to those situations again and if more of us do that it will be our statement that this kind of behaviour is not acceptable...

I'm interested in your opinion about this topic, do you have any experience in dealing with this? Leave your comment so we can see what else can be done. Maybe it will help some of us who find themselves in those kind of situations again...

Thank you for your time and take care, my friends...
LOVE you all, @mika-ella...

Until next time - stay curious, stay playful, stay connected with Life all around...


Hi mika-ella!

I don't know the legal situation in Croatia (btw: I have been there twice - nice country!) so I can only tell what I would do as a German in Germany.
And I would call the police or the "Jugendamt" (youth welfare office) and inform them about what has happened.

For children is everything they see normal. So they choose partners who might also be violent (why not, in their reality violence is normal) and that vicious circle turns another round.

Of course the guy isn't that bad when he is not angry, but isn't everybody nice when he is not not-nice? (He is good when he is not bad - yeah!)

Hey rolandbg, nice to meet you!

I talked to my boyfriend and we also agreed to call them if that happens again.
I just hoped that she will take the opportunity to help her before that happens... First year they acted normal, so they know what is appropriate... And they also act normal since I spoke to that woman...

At the end our only concern should be about the child - and will our institutions do the work they need, to help her grow up in better conditions? Hopefully, I've heard good and bad stories...

Thank you for your opinion, rolandbg, I appreciate it! This is a though theme for me these days and we'll see what will happen next. Until then, I'm waiting for Life to tell me when to act :) What more can I do?

Take care, my friend, see you around :)

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