Things to Come

in #life8 years ago


I had planned on writing something different, had gathered my notes certain of what I wrote and then I woke up to the news of the attacks on London.

My first thought was a prayer really, or perhaps a question Lord why is this happening again?

The answer of course is hate, is evil, an evil that takes over a person and lets them do things like that.

A year ago to the day of the attacks on Brussels.

The world is at war with itself, a sign of things to come?


Hatred of course is nothing new we saw it from the very beginning. Many hated Christ.

It wasn't hate that nailed Christ to the cross though, it was his love for us, yet the world is still fighting that kind of hate.


This in no ways says I think any less of those brave men and women who take up arms and stand up for what's right. I have loved ones who have fought for that very right. I was blessed with freedom because someone paid for that freedom. What I am saying is that we are living in a dangerous time.


In Matthew we are reminded

Matthew 24:6King James Version (KJV)

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

My heart and my prayers are with London today, but they are with the world as well.

Michelle R Kidwell


All images on this one are C.C.O Images from


Religion is the source of all evil that divides us. As long as people keep believing in religion be it Muslim, Christian or any other religion the world will never be at peace.

It's not entirely religion, there are people who are evil, who claim no religion.

Amazing post :)
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