This series of stories will be titled 'I'm surprised I turned out as well as I did, given my childhood ...' 38

in #life7 years ago

Remember the flirty babysitter?

Well, I have another story to tell you about her.

She allowed me to stay up later than my brother and sister – which was more than my mother did.

I believe it was only because she wanted to watch the horror films and didn’t want to sit watching them alone. I didn’t mind, I loved the Hammer Horror movies. I remember watching Rosemary’s Baby too… That preyed on my mind a little…

On Saturday nights, we’d watch Starsky and Hutch, The Dukes of Hazard, The Six Million Dollar Man and all the other 70s favourites.

I suppose it was great that those shows were on because we made sure we were home in time to watch them, no such thing as video recorders then – not for another six or maybe seven years.

The babysitter would either arrive or get fetched by my father and we’d all settle down.
One evening, my mother and father went off to work as usual.

I don’t recall whether or not I was allowed to watch the horror movie. I can only guess I was.

There was a possibility of my father coming home up until around 10pm when the club they worked at began to get busy. He didn’t always come home, but there was always a chance.

I went to bed after the movie.

I used to sleep on the floor in my room, on a makeshift bed and the babysitter slept in my bed (my younger siblings shared a room).

I woke up to find the babysitter sitting on the mattress on the floor next to me. She looked concerned and was stroking my hair away from my eyes. (I didn’t actually think people really did that… apparently, they do.)

I sleepily asked what was wrong and she said I’d been awake for ages and she’d been concerned and watching me, making sure I was ok.

There was a lot of shouting going on downstairs and outside. Car doors slamming, people running and the dog, Bruce, was going mad. (I’m not even sure if he wasn’t let out and set on someone…)

Then my mother came upstairs and without a word, the babysitter let go of my hand, went downstairs and finally home – EXCEPTIONALLY unusual.

When my father got back from taking the babysitter back home, I went down stairs and we had a bit of a discussion.

I was asked what time I’d gone to bed, what happened when I was in bed, who had come to the door…

Not got a clue. I went straight to sleep and hadn’t heard a thing.

Over the next few days, the story began to unfold.

Our babysitter had arranged for two men to come visiting her (I told you she was ‘flirty’).

It would have been ok if they hadn’t decided to go to the local pub to wait for everyone to go to work or bed.

The two guys asked about our house (using my father’s name) and where to find the house. Two strangers in a close-knit local pub, asking about a neighbour’s house when it was well-known the neighbour and wife went out to work until late – nope, not going to create any suspicion… Just how stupid can you get?

My great-grandmother was told that two strangers were asking about our house and how to find it and so she phoned my father, her grandson, at work.

I can imagine the feisty old lady doing exactly that. She was small, old and frail, but she didn’t mess about.

“You’d better get home right now,” she’d have said. “There are two men wanting to know where you live and my great-grandchildren are there. If anything happens to them…”

The emphasis on ‘anything’ would be heard as a threat in itself; never mind leaving the sentence unfinished. I can imagine she struck terror into the hearts of many with that unspoken threat.

The two men finished their drink and made their way to our house – except they knocked on the wrong door first and frightened the three girls there.

They found our house and were let in by our babysitter.

Minutes later, my mother and father arrived home – probably with a few friends in tow too.

The babysitter ran upstairs to make her alibi (me) and left the men to make their own escape. That, I assume, is where all the ruckus came in – as well as the dog barking.

Once my parents had ensured I’d not been harmed and my brother and sister were still asleep (Yep, really), we all went to our beds.

About half an hour before my parents usually got home from work, a knocking on the door woke us up again.

I heard my father go to his window and ask what the guy wanted.

“Taxi, mate!” I heard.

I don’t believe I’d heard my father swearing like that before…

The upshot of that debacle was that I was suddenly perceived as old enough, responsible enough and capable enough to be the babysitter.

Really? Me?

Had my parents actually MET me?

There was NO way I was responsible enough to look after my brother and sister. I doubt I was old enough.

Still, I perked up at the thought of getting some money for doing the job…

Ooops… silly me. Responsible enough, old enough (in a couple of months – or six) and capable enough to look after them… but not responsible, old or capable enough to get paid for the privilege.

I never got paid for babysitting. It was expected of me.

Hmm… I seemed to get in more trouble for being late home on Friday and Saturday nights after that.

I mean… what are they going to do if I was late for ‘work’? Sack me?

Images from Google


great horror story for my childhood memories :D

Haha! Yes, I suppose it is a kind of horror. I'd be horrified if my kids were in that situation.

Haha you right , sometime feel like in the dark place 😂

a very good story, gave me goosebumps because it is very close to reality, thanks for sharing

It was more than close... this actually happened :)

For a while I thought the babysitter just liked young boys. That's why she was staring at you asleep.
Twist seemed more real than those thoughts. Thanks!

I was never a young boy... although I was often mistaken for one... I'm pretty sure she knew I was a girl. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have shared a bedroom with a boy she was babysitting for...

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So, what happened to the two interlopers? I assume they were caught? By the way, I never was paid for babysitting either. I also had to babysit for friends and neighbours for free too :(

I think they legged it and were happy to escape. Bruce was a big dog and he couldn't half look fierce LOL

Hello . I found you in the category so i decided to check out your great post; very intriguing and award-deserving. Keep up the good works!! I'm following you now. #teamGhana here.
Stay blessed!

Oh! Thank you!

Much appreciated! Do you know there are lot of things that are funny to me in this particular write up.
Now, the fact that you are actually expecting to be paid by your parent for looking after your siblings is comical and funny.
Then the babysitter actually acted foolishly by allowing those guys to come into the house risking your lives. What if they are not who she thinks they are in the first place.
Thanks once again to grandma for making that call to your father and for him responding quickly. Well, since you said she (babysitter) is a flirt then someone should expect the unexpected from her.
Hope they didn't allow her to babysit you and your siblings again after that day?
Anyways, you said you became the new young babysitter and I think those are part of the things that makes you strong and daring (looking at your past childhood experiences).
Appreciates you for sharing.

Always your fan @optimistdehinde.

Thank you for commenting :)

Yes, I thoroughly expected to be paid! They had paid the other girls and not to pay me was unfair in my eyes.

I think adults don't like to think too much about what a friend's kid may be like, especially if it would mean they'd have to question whether she was suitable for babysitting their kids - some people just don't have the right attitude for taking care of their kids.

I hated the responsibility of taking care of them... I may even write about that too :)

hmmmmmm....... I understand what mean.

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