Are You Ready for YOUR Passion?

in #life7 years ago


Passion and capacity are related to health and can be a great reason to make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle.
Here's why:

  1. If we find a new passion, like I found playing music later in life, and we don't feel good, we are unlikely to pursue these new passions.

  2. "When our ship comes in" is a saying (that saying means having luck). Passion is a great motivator to live a healthy lifestyle. We may always come upon a new passion to learn, so we should be ready. What if our ship comes in and we are not feeling good enough to board said ship?

  3. Enthusiasm requires energy and if we have no energy we are unlikely to feel enthused and energetic.

  4. What we were passionate about yesterday may change tomorrow, but to learn new things requires desire and a healthy state of mind.

  5. One of passion's opposite words is APATHY. Feeling burned out, foggy, sick and tired is a good recipe to feel blah and apathetic.

"Having a consuming Passion to Write" has it's own word, scripturient.

I learned this new word, scripturient, writing this post!
Do other passions have their own words? Please comment if you know more of these words (and keep it PG please :))

Passion flower header image Pixabay
Gif from Giphy

Come visit me at my website Michele the Trainer
Love to All!


I love that feeling when you learn something new while writing a post! :)

These are co related and goes hand in hand i like to be more passionate about things which i feel joy about anyways thanks for this beautiful post :)

How ap- ro- pos !- a Passion Flower!! Beautiful!!

nice post @micheletrainer, well you describe the passion perfectly, i really like your words "passion and capacity related to health" no doubt if we have a good health we should be much more passionate for doing things, have a very cheerful week ahead and live with passion. thanks for sharing

wonderful post @micheletrainer,lovely photography,thanks for your post

nice post @micheletrainer

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