Communication - Deep & Done

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Future Authoring

I wish i could communicate with people better, i wish i could communicate with strangers as well as i can communicate with my best friends, i am my best self when i am around my best friends but this version of me rarely appears when i am among people i do not know extremely well,i wish the words would come to me better, i wish i could string my sentences together better, i know im capable, i just wish i could execute.

  • MD

I know how you feel. For me, I have a short circuit between my brain and my mouth. No matter who I'm in front of, friends or strangers, it never comes out the way I want it to, it gets lost in translation before it hits my mouth. That's what made me turn to writing. I can take my time, double check, triple check... which doesn't help much in social situations... but what can you do?

Thank you for the response,i hear ya, being able to perfect a piece of writing in an articulate manner is beyond satisfying, i hope that eventually over time and through repeated practice and forcing myself into uncomfortable situations, i will be able to break down the barrier and competently express myself verbally in all situations as if i was hanging in the comfort of my friendship circle or in my room carefully writing up elaborate sentences that the dark forces of anxiety nullify from my vocabulary in the event of the occurrence of an uncomfortable social situation

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