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RE: Stop Spending SO Much! Idiot! (Part One)

in #life7 years ago

I loved the part 2 so much I had to check out part one :)

Love what you say about food. Cooking at home from scratch and you will save more than you can imagine. Buying certain staples (dried goods n such) in bulk is a great savings also. When I have an extra couple hundred dollars I will buy bulk rice, quinoa, spices and such this way all i need daily/weekly is fresh stuff. Of course you need to know how to cook lol. I just bought groceries for the first time in 3-4 weeks and only spent $35. I won't need to go back for another few weeks. My son and I do juicing and smoothies a lot also. We don't skimp when it comes to eating.

The nice thing is, if I want to visit a nice restaurant I will usually have the money to do so since I save so much regularly.

You are so right about the alchohol also. Expensive and seriously eats up your productivity. All around it's a real liability if you want to get ahead.

People say to live within your means. If you really want to get ahead you should live below your means. As far below as you are comfortable with. To onlookers you may look poor but it will allow you to really focus your finances in a way that will put you so far ahead in future years they will be left in the dust.

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