---- Is Steemit still a bit Hinkey for you after the crash a couple of days ago ? ----

in #life6 years ago

Not quite right

Well the regulars on Steemit would know that there was a bit of a hiccup a couple of days ago where Steemit had a little bit of an issue and shut down for a handful of hours. Now while there was talks of the end of the world and plenty of chicken littling while we waited to hear some news about what was going on, we chilled in discord chats and waited for the lights to come back on by the candle light ;)

Now when Steemit came back online it was a great sigh of relief for many who were thinking the worst but hoping for the best. However, since we have been back online it seems that there has been something missing? or not quite right? i dunno how to describe it, but it seems like the drive on the platform has shifted somewhat, at least it feels like that to me. Im not sure i can put my finger on it exactly, im just gonna say its the vibe maybe?

Anyways i was thinking that i would see what you guys think and if you are feeling it to? maybe you have a better grasp on what it is that is going on than i do, but i thought i would put it out there and see if you guys can help narrow it down for me.... cause i would like to try fix it up if i can, i just feel a bit weird about it all now.

if you can help me out give me a yell, much love in all your directions


The chain freeze caused some nodes to have to replay, which I've heard can take 3-4 days, depending on the equipment. So right now there are fewer nodes handling all the load, which means slower load times for the end user.

yeah i noticed some tech bits, having to click the upvote button a couple times before acknowledging the action, same kind of thing when posting, etc. but that was when it first came up which have since been fixed up. Im more feeling out the users as it feels like there has been a shift in the dynamic, or maybe we loost a bunch of useres or something.... it just "feels different" and im tryna get a understanding of why.... or maybe its just me, but that's what im tryna find out, lolz

Everything on the discord communities feels the same, but I haven't been interacting on steem enough lately to have a frame of reference.

eh, maybe its just me...

lolz, how did i know you would be throwin that up at me bro !!!

Hahaha very beautiful funny art
Thank you so much My Dear friend

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