Depression -- Like What Is The Purpose??

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Ahh yes, a small, or large, divot in the ground ie: depression.
What a great topic. That is why I have decided to write about it today ... lol :)

So depression is something I have a variety of experience with. I have studied it, observed it and experienced it first hand ... many times.

Over my years my attitude towards depression has changed from naive bliss, concerned awareness, personal frustration to ... whatever bro.

In my eyes, depression is the body/mind complex telling you (the owner of the theme park) one of two things:

  1. You are doing to much and need to rest
  2. You are not walking the correct path

In the first category this can be a symptom of physical fatigue but is usually experienced in conjunction with adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands are what give us the boost of excitement when we do something fun. Without that joy how can we have real joy??

The second category is one that more of us experience (I think). When we try to walk someone else's path our feet simply don't fit! This becomes uncomfortable and our bodies do our best to tell us
sir ... this is not where you should be
Unfortunately, in most of our lives we listen to external stimuli to make our live decisions. This in turn causes this inner turmoil that can lead to many things (not only depression) and then so often we medicate it away!

Our bodies are intelligent.

It's no wonder some people complain of going to sleep 25 and waking up 50. If you have numbed your senses so much just so you can make it through the day ... you might want to consider a career change.

But be careful!

Removing anti-depressants from the system is synonymous with opening the flood gates of emotion. If you have months, or years, of pain that has been building up ... it will be a lot to handle.

Trust a friend, tell them your feelings, start processing the way we are built to ... through expression.

This can alleviate some of the pressure and you may see changes as soon as yesterday.

Namaste my friends



I took a different approach; I dug deeper into the depression to find its source. Took a fair amount of reading and mental practices and about 2 years, but came out of it and, perhaps as important, came out more knowledgeable.

As you say, it is not a mere annoyance that one should try to shrug off or avoid, but a symptom of unease - often deep unexpressed unease about life.

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