A main rule: Don't do it mediocre!

in #life7 years ago

It always happens that we want to do something new, but if that something big, this thing requires sacrifice and dedication on our part to do it well in the best way. But we as human beings always want things to be as easy as possible.

Whenever a person tries to do something without sacrificing enough, this thing ends up going wrong. The key is to be aware of this and give one hundred percent of the effort to make it happen, whatever the goal is.

I remember once grandfather told me that if there was anything he regretted in his life, it was that he hadn't done better things that could have taken him to better living conditions in a time of more youth for him.

Many people may think the same way, in the case of my grandfather is that he wanted to be a footballer, football has always been a profession quite lucrative, today more than ever but years ago it was as well.

My grandfather told me that when he was young, the national teams of the first division in the country were quite interested in getting his services because he had real talent, the point is that (said by himself) his attitude wasn't the most mature to face this challenge through.

He told me that several times after practice, when he wasn't absent, he used to go with his other friends to drink beers and another alcoholic drinks, ignoring the advice given by nutritionists to perform better on the field.

My grandfather was never signed by any football team because of his lack of discipline and dedication, according to himself, he had the necessary talent but not the mentality to do so. It was quite difficult to do it without this last one.

Certainly today you could see high-level football players on television, but what many people don't see is the thousands of hours of training that these athletes spend in order to improve their technique and become better players.

And the same thing happens with many other things in life, really with all of them.

If you want to be a musician, the best thing to do is to make the decision to be an excellent musician and practice for it, once you are so talented with whatever you choose, the world will have it impossible to ignore you, which will clearly take you to success.

Many people want to have the best things in life, I have no doubt that each person on this planet are looking for a better life than they currently have, but the dilemma is that not many people are willing to assume the sacrifices so as to make the things happen.

It is not about something easy, in fact that is the reason why there are more poor people than rich people, there are few people who decide not to do it mediocre (whatever they are going to do).

Once a math teacher told me: It doesn't matter if you're going to be an orange seller, but try to be the best seller of oranges.

How much truth in this sentence that my math teacher told me many years ago. It is too much about trying to be the best in whatever you choose in life.

That is the philosophy of Cristiano Ronaldo, once a journalist asked the Portuguese how he did to keep himself in shape during all seasons without lowering performances and he replied that what moved him forward constantly was his desire to always be the best in the world.

The philosophy of Portuguese is an example to follow for anyone who wants to succeed, even if people call him arrogant time after time.

So you know that when you want to achieve something, keep in mind that there will be several obstacles, but if you decide to do it the best possible way by putting aside mediocrity, it will be very difficult to fail on your way to whatever you want to do.

Once aware of this, you have half the way gained, the other half is on you if you decide to apply it or decide to ignore this concept.


@metalman Follow me for more!

Images taken from pixabay.com


Well said @metalman.
You have a new follower after that brilliant piece. :)

Nice post. Very inspiring!

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