Take Your Best Pick

in #life6 years ago

This day is a bad day, a sad day. I have 101 reasons to write you a sad post about this day but then I won't because sharing it won't make things any better. I don't normally hint people of how bad a bad day is for me, but then I think I have to because maybe, just maybe, they will try to understand and reflect upon themselves how they should treat others because some people do suffer and some people are like me, we're having a bad day.

How nice it would be to have people or friends to check you out and ask how your day is going or at the end of the day they ask you how your day went? How nice it would be to have people who will not make it hard for you because they know you are having a bad day by default because you struggle with an illness, and they make it a point they are not making things any worse? How nice it would be to have people who will choose to be a good friend to you every damn day because you need it and you deserve to have such people? How nice it would be when good people don't suffer the insensitivity of others who just think about themselves?

But what do friends ask you when they check on you? Do they make your day better or worse? Are they a friend to you everyday or are they a friend to you when they are convenient? Do they care at all?

Despite life being so difficult and relationships between people are a complex thing, it is soooooooooo simple and can be reduced to the basics. Just 2 things to pick, are you going to be an asshole or not an asshole.

Take your best pick because you'll never know, some people will treat you the way you treat them. Because life is a choice and it's just as simple as that all the time, you pick one or the other. Asshole and not an asshole, nothing gray or in between.

I'm sorry for repeating the word asshole way too many times, I really just feel awful. I could insert all the profane words I know after every punctuation but what good would that do? Please bear with me. This is a rant of how life isn't funny at all but you laugh at it anyway because sometimes it throws at you a big joke.

Thanks for reading.

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Sometimes you need a friend whom you can lean on ..but choose wisely in choosing friends.. Because others are fake...choose a friend that can understand and willing to accompany you in your ups and down..

Yep, thanks so much. This is just a hiccup. I appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks!

No problem... Always remember that in the end only yourself can help you with Gods grace.. Thanks

we I think you must open up about your emotions sometimes. For me I dont share a lot but there are just times I need to. Dont worry it will be alright.

Yeah, amazing just by letting it out here made me feel lighter. Thank you, I'll deal with it the best way I can. I appreciate this.

yes and you know what is good here in steemit, instead we talk someone to express out our emotions, why don't we write it and it may inspired others because they have the same circumstances in life. write your emotions and let us or everyone shred tears on it silently.

I wish there's a word one can use to show he or she really feels the pains of others apart from the word 'sorry'...
Anyway, am glad you shared your pains cus a problem shared, they say is half solved

Thank you. As much as I don't like drama... but life really has lots of it. Hahaha! Thanks God this is Steemit and not Facebook, people's comments make sense. I appreciate this.

Yea you are right....
Don't just know how people using Facebook think sometimes...
The kind of comments one sees there is just unbelievable....
Maybe that's why I really don't like visiting there...

I understand how you feel here
Sorry for your pain
It's well with you

Awww. Thanks, I appreciate your concern.


Life is your and decision is your also. So no need worried. You dont need to look behind to have a look who care for you or not. Just go through your target you want to reach.

Thank you. Yeah, I am trying to focus on much more productive things. I appreciate that @mdshahin786. I hope you are having a good day.

Yeah thank you. I am always here to help new steemians. And trying to support sir @surpassinggoogle #ulog project. But since last few days he is unresponsive on my post. we also trying to help new steemians by arranging contest on our Steem Tuner Discord > And also promoting sir #terry' s ulog project there.

Do not loss your strength our dear friend into the hands of discouragement at a time like this.
You could draw strength from the words of Proverbs 24:15:

If become discouraged in times of distress, your strength will become meager.

keep fighting!

Thank you, I needed that. Gosh, I appreciate this, so much than you imagine.

Sorry for your pain, i dont think anything i say from here can be much help to you. I just hope you find a light at the end of the tunnel and more reason to look back at today and smile. Life isnt funny but we make jokes of it anyway... what can a little person do. Give your @teardrops a value

Thanks, yeah, now that I posted it, it does feel better. No worries, I will choose to end the day better. Thank you, I appreciate your thoughts.


Just hold on tight.

Thank you for the hugs. I appreciate this and the nice comments matter a lot to me now. xoxo

Sorry about your day, here have a (air) hug! I'm sure you are better now!!

Thanks! A hug sure helps and cures this kind of bad feels. I appreciate the virtual hug. I'm hugging you back. xoxo

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