what does "best friend" mean to you?

in #life5 years ago

To me it always meant that you would go that extra mile for your best friend, I means you love them unconditionally, it means this person came into your life FOR a reason, and that was to become your best friend. To me a best friend is someone who holds your head up when it's down, a best friend laughs and cries with you, or cries when you laugh with them. To me a best friend wouldn't walk away at difficult times but rather support as much as they can. Being a best friend to someone means listening to the advice, and taking it to your heart and never forgetting the words they are telling you. Being a best friend is loving the other unconditionally for who they are.

those are just a few things that resemble a "best friend" to me. I've never written anything like this on a social media platform in my life, but I feel like typing and sharing with the world. A lot of people cant use the term "best friend" because they've never had that connection with someone before. It's about Commitment, Trust, Honor ... something so easy that everything ends up just flowing into place. We are all our own person, and we are all growing and molding into new and different types of people everyday. Being a best friend means being able to adapt and mold yourself with them, but still enjoy your own life, and continue molding yourself.

there are countless books on "how to cope with a breakup" but what about "how to cope when a best friend decides they want to remove themselves from your life" ... do we just learn to fill that void of a hole in our hearts? I guess these are just more challenges in life that you have to break thru and carry on. Best Friend breakups are far more worse then a break up with a boy. I have come to realize this fully. You know where you stand with a break up with a boy, but you may never know where you stand with a break up with a best friend. loosing the person you confide in, who do you confide in now?

realizing who you are, is a very important part of your life, along with realizing whose supposed to be in your life and whose not supposed to be in your life. wheather it be 100 friends or 5 friends in your life, cherish every moment, it's what I did in my best friend relationship. the people who are there for you every day no matter what, are your best friends (meow meow is always there for me :) )


don't turn back time, and try to force someone to be in your life, if they want to walk, you let them walk. You know where you stood, and you know where you stand now, and never bully yourself down to the point of trying to figure out what went wrong. It was clearly a one way street and a head on collision, never saw it coming but it happened anyways.

Currently, my best friend would have to be my; forever wedding date, love of my life, peanut butter to my jam, baby daddy and most importantly, best friend. My partner David! (@Ate-bit-dave) I love you oh so much babe, so happy i can come to you when im down, when im up and when im sideways. So happy when you come home from work. Were both a little crazy, and thats just the way i like it! We share so many interests, and i think we "jive" pretty well. I dont think i would want anyone else in this world and i am thankful for you "choosing" me as your sweetie! Your loving, caring, an amazing teacher, handsome, witty, funny, BEYOND amazing father to our baby ...my best friend!



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