
Hello menta, we would like to inform you that you have been chosen as a featured author by the @robinhoodwhale initiave. We are currently in alpha testing, if you would like more info join robinhood chat on or pm @repholder.

Great Part 1 - Keep on Steeming!

Cheers guys, really appreciate it!

Wow, hats off to you man. That is a tough thing to have to deal with. Yes, the world of big pharma doesn't seem to care either. Easy to not care when they are so far removed from the people benefiting.

I hope you and others with this disease can receive a cure at some point. I am pretty skeptical though. I believe there is too much money in NOT curing certain things. It is evil as can be, but I believe sometimes possible cures are likely suppressed or at least delayed so they can milk the high cost treatments that don't cure it longer.

You write some great posts. I've known other people with MS. It can be slow or it can be fast from what I've gathered (correct me if you feel like it) and I hope you either get a cure or at least live a long life where you can still do things. Visit a tropical country now and then in your mind. :) Buy a sun lamp and nice little fan for extra effect using some funds from steemit. :)

Thanks man, I'm living with it pretty well now. And I managed to move to a tropical country in the end, so all is well for now. You'll see in part2 :)

I have a feeling I know what will be in part 2 :)). Having been a proponent of alternative medicines for 2 decades now, I have seen alternative medicines actually cure patients of MS. Cannabis, for one, is quite effective along with "triphala", an ayurvedic mix of three dried fruits very common in India and now noticed around the world.

Ayurveda itself is a science which has been documented extensively. One of the books, "shusruta samhitta", dated to be around a 1000 yrs old, contains clinical records of patients documented over a period of time. A few records there point to a condition which may today be classified as MS, and though the details of herbs and plants used as a cure is explicitly mentioned, their names and methods of application had been lost for a considerable amount of time and almost forgotten.
With a view to remedy this and revive ancient medicine, the Government of India has now opened The Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy, abbreviated as AYUSH, and are doing research on these and other diseases, which modern medicine has failed to cure as yet. And now they have published an official pharmacopoeia which lists around five thousand Ayurvedic formulations, a first in a thousand years!
But the basic premise is we don't need to create or produce medicine, it is already there as part of the wonder of creation ( which includes us humans), and we have to just find it in nature!

You'll have to wait and see :)
But seriously, there is no cure for MS. Everyone that says there is are blatantly deceiving you.

I could have been deceived, I agree, but I am not easy to deceive either! And having been born on this part of the planet which has been associated with mysticism throughout history, the Himalayas, I have seen and witnessed things my education nor logic could explain. One particular experience I had with a Tibetan Monk made me rethink a lot of things in my life, including the question, what is possible and what is not? With a lot of gray hair and my experience of having seen the world and having met and talked to thousands around the world, I can say safely, there is a lot we need to know yet.

Thank you for sharing the story with us

Thanks for sharing @menta! Its very easy to say for me since im not affected by any serious degenerative disease, but i'm pretty convinced that a positive mental attitude towards it significally improves the healing (or at least stoping it).

Oh yeah, I grew a lot by going through these events. And if you don't have a positive attitude it will drag you into depression!

I totally agree with by beloved brother, loved the reading

I am sorry you had to deal with this, sounds really sad and horrible! It took guts to share something so personal! :D

Thanks for your kind words. As you'll see in part 2, it all turned out well :)


I too have a neurodegenerative disease affecting one of my legs. It is a nightmare indeed since pain killers, after 4 years, don't work anymore. The only thing I found helping is numbing the brain with writing and reading. My life also changed massively since then. Eventually we all learn to live with it.

Keep it up

I'm sorry to hear that man. Do you do anything besides painkillers? Nutrition, exercise?

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