Just a little bit longer - Vlog

in #life6 years ago

I apologize for those who visit my blogs for positive messages, today I'm feeling some extra weight on the shoulders. That being said, this blog, this little journey of mine, has always been about self discovery and just like every other human on earth, im flawed too.

I figured I would share these anyways, maybe a few years from now I can watch these old videos and laugh at myself. Funny enough, I would love that.


▶️ DTube

Life's all wrong when this happens to a great guy like you.

You're smart not to assume crypto prices will sort things out, cos though it could happen, noone knows when the bear market ends.

If only there was another way. I hope lightning strikes your dreams and you come up with some new ideas.

And if not, and tough decisions get made, let every mishap become an opportunity.

One thing's for sure: you are invaluable in the Steem eco-system. Irreplaceable.

thank you for those words brother... you have no idea how powerful they are.

Crap. I hope either you find a way to work things out or you turn this into a Steem Travel Adventure a la @see-it-feel-it and @the.foodini.

I feel kind of weird in that I'd much rather have you living somewhere cheap and continuing to be here often than staying where you are and killing yourself with a job, and I feel like that's backwards of empathy.

I wish I had room for a steemployee.

Hey@meno. It will get better and you will be smiling looking back at this one day .No one knows when it will turn, but turn it will. A new challenge is exciting and something to look forward to. Just be positive and that is half the battle won.

i keep on going back to this picture...

Never seen this one ,but very true. Keep going no matter what and you have to get there sometime. You are a fighter like most of us on here and will benefit at some point.

This touched me deeply. I'm a big proponent of 'being vulnerable' and have written many vulnerable posts on Steemit these past few months. They are hard to write, and sometimes I even postponed them ('saved as draft' in Evernote).

But if I think about writing those pieces and seeing you just know on camera - something I find a scary thought even if I would share happy news! - it's so so powerful. To see that part of you and see you being confused while trying to stay optimistic at the same time, trying to end it with a positive note. Although your whole body language and facial expression tells me how you feel - brave but scared.

I will write a post about vulnerability as soon as I have the head room for it. Because my experience is: being vulnerable always gives back in one way or another.

Take care <3 You're a beautiful person.

You are too kind Rosa... thank you for leaving this msg, it made me smile..

I hear you Meno. We are broke too and we need to move ASAP to an area with a lower cost of living. The stress of the bills, the upcoming move, not having jobs secured yet....it's wearing me down.
Hoping for the best for you and sending big hugs.

Meno, this is a very moving post. It's real, and it's also what we need. I'm following you because you are real, and I support you 100%. I've had a few vulnerable moments I've placed out there, but perhaps not as deep, and I think we all need a balance. Otherwise what are we but happy cliche'd shells hiding a deeper core that actually is what many people can identify with more. Anyway, whatever decision you make, I wish you the best. I do hope that a turnaround could make this all unnecessary... but on the other hand, just waiting for that... is a fool's errand and we should be prepared either way.

Still... that being said I do have hope... Just a little longer, indeed...


It's going to be all right...
for you, for me... for all...
these are struggling times, also times of change, and change bring new possibilities
Even in the worst case scenario (crossing fingers it won't hapen) but EVEN IF SO, we have gained things

Siento que no hay nada que disculpar, nuestro Blog debe ser reflejo de lo que somos y lo que sentimos, y "creeme, no todos los días son de color rosa", todos tenemos grises y ocres.

Actuuualllyyy – I'm of the mind that being authentic about your vulnerability is truly the mark of an exceptional human. I adore you for it.

For what it's worth, I'm super fuckin' broke, too. I've rarely known an existence without that truth pressing in on me from the edges. Somehow....I always make it work. Perhaps I don't always know how or where the solution will come from, but I do know that it always happens – something arises to get me through the next little while.

I support you moving, if that's what feels right. Costa Rica happens to be a flippin' gorgeous country. One of the cleanest I've ever visited (and I've been to many.) Did you know that Costa Rica has no military? It's true – they use their resources, instead, to ensure their country stays as environmentally healthy as possible. I'd say that'd be a pretty decent alternative to this power-hungry, rapidly devolving country North of that relatively peaceful place. If you end up there....I'll be the first to visit. ;)

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