No one likes to suffer but...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Yet it's completely unavoidable, at least in the sense that regardless of what choices we make in life at some point in time we will find ourselves asking if we made the right choice. When contemplating our life choices and asking ourselves how we got here, its sometimes unavoidable to be upset and suffer.

Is it productive to do so? - Maybe that is a question we have been asked before and yet as much as we understand the obvious answer is not at all, we can't seem to let go at times.

There is a story I very much enjoyed listening to a few years ago from a friend who enjoys storytelling probably as much as I do. If the story is real or not is probably not as relevant as to illustrate in a powerful way the message it needed to convey.


Two monks were walking down their usual path when they came across a river, the older Monk was leading the way lost in thought when the younger kept on thinking to himself how much he wanted to be just like his teacher.

As they got to the river the found a young woman who had intentions of crossing to the other side but did not want to risk ruining her outfit and was patiently waiting for a gentleman to show up.

It's important to note that Monks have sworn a vow chastity, to them talking to a woman or really engaging on anything with a woman is let's say frowned upon. This common knowledge however did not stop the young woman from asking the Monks who where the only men around to help her cross the river.

The young monk knew better than to fall for this trap, he simply ignored her and cross as if no one needed any help. The wiser older monk however carried the woman on his arms and crossed the river with a smile. He set her down and continued his walk.

This confused the young monk in more ways than one, he did not understand why someone wise as his teacher would make such a choice. As they walked on the path his mind kept on going back to the events that transpired on the river crossing and his heart was filling with anguish and even anger.

I'm sure that if I had been the one to carry her I would have been expelled... He thought to himself, yet kept quiet for another mile or two. Finally the young monk could not take it any longer and in an act of rebellion asked his master.

"Master why would you break your vows of chastity and carry that woman... Can't you see that was horrible and shameful of you???? "

The master slowly turned around and replied with a smile... "Can't you see I'm not carrying her anymore? It seems however that you still are.... "

I guess the powerful message this story conveys is that sometimes by choosing to dwell on things we are effectively putting ourselves harms way, at least emotionally, and its sometimes better to learn to recognize when to let go, when it is us who are choosing to carry burdens that are long gone.

Hope everyone is having a beautiful Monday... much love

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This post has received a 15.91 % upvote from @sharkbank thanks to: @sammosk.

This is really good and an encouraging message we can learn from. I like it how the learning monk had been carrying her the whole way since, thats all he could mediate on.
I would like you to pretend your the monk and I am the woman. Could you please carry me across the river of steem.

you get an upvote because that was hilarious! hahahah

I came here to say that it was a great story, and totally got distracted by this comment lol.

Anyway, some would argue that it is our capacity to suffer that makes us human. Sometimes pain motivates us, or helps us grow. But I agree with the story's message - at some point you have to let it go!

Thank you for reading! and yes, you got exactly what I was trying to convey...

You're very welcome =)

That's an old one, Watts gave a lecture on this story too. I always find it so ironic when people get offended or upset on behalf of other people. It's just not worth it. Let that shit go and figure out what it bothers you so much that they did something you "thought" was wrong. I'm pumped to get you on the philosophy show, I'll message you so we can work out details.

I'm there whenever you say! ;)

You tell the best stories @meno. You have a gift for helping show people a perspective they might not be seeing from a different point of view than they are used to. Like the old monk in the story. A positive point of view. It's not always easy being positive, but to grow strong we all need to eat. One thing is for sure, we can all stand to eat more nuggets. We might not all digest them the same, but nuggets are the universal truth. I'm sure both monks would agree. { :

hahahahah thank you for reading Phe... <3

Right now, I am in that place where I don't dwell on the past that much. I started building myself from things I considered to be failures or past baggage, but at the same time I don't consider them failures because if they didn't happen, I wouldn't be here just the way I am. So I am either the sum of my failures or failure doesn't exist. I'd like to think it's the latter.

Does that make sense? :)

I like it... its a type of mental ninjistics move you are applying there.. it makes perfect sense to me.

Excellent illustration. It reminds me of the tale of the good Samaritan.

it does a bit, it has that same introspective elements..

Hahaha that wise old monk!

your peeps bro! your peeps!

Reminds me of this koan:

There was once an old zen master named "there was once an old zen master named "there was once an old zen master named "there was once an old zen master named""" , but we'll just call him "there was once an old zen master named" for now, or "zen" for short.

Zen, one day, came upon a koan that made him believe he had reached enlightenment. The koan was: "The Upboat of One Hand Clapping."

Long did he live, believing he was enlightened. But then one day, he saw something that outdid his koan in "real life".

Zen saw the standing ovation of a Quadriplegic and was then Zenlightened.

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