Battling the Winter Blues with Friends, BBQ, and S'mores!

in #life7 years ago


Take the kids to school...go to work...come home and get ready for the next day...Nyquil...sleep...repeat.

This pretty much sums up the last week of my life. The flu virus is rampant right now, so although I feel like death, thankfully, I haven't gotten "the bug". I've still felt like total crap all week, but I've had to get up and still be a functioning human being because my family, my patients and my coworkers need me during this crummy time of year. (I work in pharmacy.) However, I was off work today and I decided that I wasn't going to let the winter blues get the best of me!

Cabin fever was really starting to set in today and our entire family was feeling a little stir crazy. We wanted to take the kids out for a little hike by the river, but my sister and 3-year old niece were visiting, plus we wanted to hang out with some friends that have a 1 year old and a 4 year old. It was just way too cold today to take the little ones too far from home.

My youngest daughter on the tire swing in our yard

So, against my instincts that told me to stay inside under the blankets, we bundled up and went out in the yard to toss around the volleyball, ride bikes, and play on the tire swing for a little bit. We all needed some fresh air!

Then, after a bit of nagging and begging, I convinced my husband @jasonrussell to grill some food on the "Big Green Egg". He's a pretty good guy. I guess I'll keep him ;) )



I wanted to make a bonfire outside and let the kids make S'mores, but it was just waaaaay too cold. Our friend @kayla.denise remembered that her son had gotten this neat little kit to make them indoors, so we still got our S'mores and the kids had a ton of fun making them in the house!



The kiddos were a sticky, marshmallowy, chocolaty mess, but it was so worth it!


Today was a nice little remedy for our cabin fever. Hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon and we can get back to our regular adventures!

Thanks for checking it out! :)

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Ok, that s'mores "tray" or whatever is SO cool. Where did you get it?

And yes, the flu - ugh. I had it a few months ago, even after getting my flu shot. My heart goes out for you working in a pharmacy with all of those sick people, but, I guess it goes with the territory :)

Followed you - enjoyed checking out your Midwest living posts! I'm from Indiana originally and my grandparents lived in St. Louis for many years.

Stay warm!

It was a really neat little contraption, but I honestly don’t know where it came from. My friend’s son got it as a christmas gift and she didn’t know where it was purchased from. All I know is I want one!!!

Sorry you got the flu bug :( It really has been awful this year and I consider myself very lucky to have dodged it so far, especially in my line of work!

Also, thanks for checking out my stuff! We’re almost always up for some sort of adventure here in southern Missouri and I love that we have Steemit to share with others. Followed you as well and I look forward to seeing more from you! :)

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