✳️More On Monday✳️ Another Look at the world's most hated day 😊✳️

in #life7 years ago

Happy Monday everybody! This is a collage I put together to sort of brainwash myself into owning my Monday.

More Thoughts On Monday

I decided to revisit this topic after thinking about work related comments I often hear. Monday seems to bring them out quite regularly 😊

  • "They don't pay me enough for this _________."

This quote seems to be a mainstay in the workplace. In essence, it says that you desire to get paid more before you've proven your worth. No employer can afford to do that-not a single one. Instead try to think how you can increase your worth to earn more. Even if your employer is a jerk, and trying to rip you off, you are still earning money to save for investing or starting that business you've been dreaming about.

You NEVER loose when you over-deliver.

  • "I hate my boss, job, coworkers."

You are not at work to like anyone. You don't get paid to like anyone. I'm not sure where that idea comes from. Remember, you are at your job to help create a profit from which you get paid - plain and simple. In your work, instead think that you will outpace your coworkers, thus increasing your value, thus earning more. And, if your job is really bad, you probably shouldn't be doing it anyway.
Please checkout my previous ranting about Monday as well 😊


"You will not outwork me." - Eric Thomas

Let's do something great today!!!
gif by @stellabelle


I'm sorry but mondays are no fun.. they have never been for me.. they are a constant reminder that i am working for someone else and getting a paycheque after drowning myself in oblivion. 😂

Man, I completely understand. Check this out. When I was dating my wife, it turned out that circumstances prevented her parents from giving her money for college. It just so happened that my boss, who was not always the coolest person to be around, offered me more work. That extra work paid for my wife's apartment so that she could focus on school. I hated the work, but liked that we were self-reliant and didn't need her parents for college money. Here is what I would do. See past the hate for that job, and "use" it. In other words, don't let your boss use you, or let your job use you. Use it to fuel what you really want to do. @jbn what is it that you wish you were doing instead, if I may ask?

I get your point.. your story is inspiring.. not many people are capable of doing what you did for your wife...

The answer to your question is that i would have been travelling and making music if not for my current job. The travelling part i still do but not that frequently. However my passion for singing could never be materialized and it somewhere died along the path of becoming an engineer.. may be some day when i am retired, i will refire that kindle.. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Much success to you my friend. There were times where I was going to travel and play music, but I ended up having 2 children with autism. It was much more important for me to be here, so I went to plan b. 🙏🏾😊

You are definitely saying that the glass of half-full. So many people hate their work, or at least say that they do. I really enjoy teaching English at the establishment were I am at. All the best.

Thanks for tell me it

@simivalleyjeff53 Yes, and I've been there myself. That's why I always say, if you hate your job, to use it to provide for what you really want to do. That way your morale at work goes up, since now your job is supporting your dreams. Thanks for reading ✌🏾😊

i just upvoted you .
Please upvote and comment me !

I will, but remember, here on Steemit, people in general, do not like to be coerced into upvoting. Let's Do Great Things! ✌🏾

Fun article. Thanks for reminding us to look at ourselves sometimes.
Question: how does traffic fit into all of this? I think traffic is like the evil wildcard.

You know, traffic is a big terrible beast!!! 🤣🤣 Whenever I go to LA I'm reminded of why people get road rage. 😊 Since you can't change it, then you have to focus on what you can change. 1) Audio Books. I have been wanting to devour several books as of late, but do not have the time. Since I'm always running around somewhere, I started listening to books. That way I can get through several books each week instead of maybe a couple per month. 2) Maybe try listening to comedy -in the morning-on your commute-before you go in. Sometimes when it's been especially rough, I just check out, but with some kind of funny movie etc. it seems to work quite well for me. Thanks for reading! ✌🏾

Yes, those are great ideas, and you're right, can't do a thing about it. Fortunately, I don't commute anymore. I only need to jump into the traffic once or twice a week. I have more fun taking side streets out of downtown LA.

It's funny...because If I remember right, the guy from 300 dies in the end. 😂 😂 😂 😂
Too many Mondays will kill ya in the end. I guess that was your message 😂

@serenoblues No not at all Lol 🤣 Too many Mondays lived in the way that is not best for you might kill ya. We have to choose. I think the guy in 300 does die in the end-precisely my point. Don't die for what you hate, die for what you love, what you care about. I know 100% that I will die doing music, with this guitar in my hand ....100%

Im loving that GIF at the end

Thanks!!! @stellabelle did a great job 😊

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