What a Weekend...

in #life6 years ago

IMG_4966.JPGI've had a pretty interesting weekend. My life feels like an emotional rollercoaster at the moment and I'm not particularly enjoying the ride. It's nobodies fault but my own. I'm so on and off, up and down. I've got a serious case of the blues.

So on Friday night I had drinks with my friends. It really just consisted of me drinking, and them falling asleep around 12am. Fun, I know.

My ex/roommate has recently become friends again with a not very nice guy. They were best friends for ages and then had this massive falling out. Anyway, I've never liked the guy but it's not my place to say anything.

So he's been around our house all weekend and has no respect for anybody. He parked his car right in the middle of the driveway so noone else could get in and then looked at me as if I'm a bitch because I asked him to move it. Friday night, he woke up our other roommate around 3am because he was just being so loud.

This guy was around our house on Saturday and all of today. He just does my head in and I'm forced to the confines of my room when he's around. I take myself out of situations I'm not comfortable in and he's DEFINITELY one of those situations.

On Friday night while I was out, one of my ex's friends (who he hasn't seen in 6 months) crashed his car. Now, instead of taking the car back to his own house he came to ours. This car is now parked in our driveway until he can be bothered to take it to the mechanics. I didn't like this at all. So I messaged him and asked him when the car was going and if he could do it soon as it's in the way, plus he doesn't even live here.

He replied with 'no' and told my ex about the messages. Well, he screenshotted them and sent them around. I said nothing bad to him so I couldn't care less. It's just the fact he did it, like how old are you? In the end he agreed to get it removed today, Sunday. It's 10:30pm and the car's still here. Would you like to know why? My ex called me a selfish, dumb, stupid bitch and told his 'friend' to leave it here.

On Saturday night all of my ex's friends came over, including the one with the car. I'd spoken to him about the car just hours before. He didn't say hello to me and ignored me. He sat down on the couch with the other 'friend' who's recently appeared, and started bitching about me. I was only 5 feet away from them. He showed this guy the messages and was saying all of this shit about me.

It made me feel like shit. All I asked was for the car to be removed asap. But they turned it into this huge thing, and my ex is still saying how I've been such a bitch about it.

I hate drama and bitching. Absolutely hate it. I hate doing it and I hate being caught up in it. So I'm anxious about all this shit. I don't like people judging me at all. It's safe to say they all don't like me, but it's okay because they're not my friends anyway.

Another thing that happened this weekend is that we got a new roommate. She moved in on Saturday and is lovely. The only thing is, my ex offered the 'friend with the car' the room on the Friday night. He didn't ask me and didn't even think about the girl who was moving in the next day. This made me so angry. I really dislike controlling people and my ex is definitely one of those people. He thinks he's in charge and whatever he says goes.

When I got home on Friday night my ex automatically told me to text this girl and say she couldn't move in anymore. IT WAS 2:30am! He hasn't seen this guy in months and all of a sudden he's given up our driveway and our spare room? I feel like he's kind of a pushover. BUT I held my ground and said 'hell no', I wasn't going to cancel on this girl the morning she was due to move in. So, I'm happy to report that she moved in on Saturday and is actually nice. It's good to have another girl around the house.

My weekend wasn't all bad. I saw Incredibles Two today and really enjoyed it. I think it's been 14 years since the first one came out, and in my opinion the second one didn't disappoint. Would definitely recommend checking it out.

I apologise for any terrible grammar and the confusing writing. I'm so tired and definitely need a lot of sleep before work tomorrow.

Happy Sunday everyone and have a nice week.

Until next time,



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