What Is Life? - "road of happiness or sorrow?"

in #life7 years ago

one day you're born and you're small beautiful then everybody loves you hold you there full of happiness you grew up you play experience everything for the first time you smile you cry you poop and you even fly then suddenly day by day you start to walk you start to speak then you have so many questions.

you tease you provoke then parents love you then they hate you then you play more you get angry you destroy then you get punished you learn your lessons then you go to kindergarten you find friends then you fight with them you get jealous your revenge before you even notice it is time for school then you face you for challenges you get homework you must study suddenly you realize that life is no more only game a school continues you develop friendships create groups you're easily judge to become judged complex feelings are no more mystery you understand them they lift you up or take you down but they still aren't attached to them.

then you study even more obligations arising in time for fun easily disappears then you see that girls smile and you are confused hum you want more but don't know how to get it then troubles find you war is hunt you as you get older more tasks wait for you or tests are in front of you you exercise you learn you give your best then you enjoy the end when you know there is also the rest high school is there and a lot of surprises is waiting for you you're out there in the city you hang out you find your first grade love you lose it you get disappointed you get set but you survived this time passes away again you see the exit you run you push your limits you get inspired you see results you hope for happiness finally the moment is there you get your degree but you realize the college is the answer you don't want to struggle to your life and following few years you warm your chair but finally journey is over and you're sure both are here now I will live my life you find a job you start again then you work hard but you feel that something is wrong you notice the life is unfair you see that no matter how hard you work you will never have what you want then you become sad again and there is nothing you can do maybe you got lucky and found your soulmate and you struggle together then you get afraid that something might happen.

then you start to pray seek the comfort in religion seek the salvation in a higher power and you become humble but aside from all that you hang out with your friends eat you read you go out you travel and you repeat that all over again as time flies you get sick of it and you don't know what to do anymore then you commit yourself to peace your search satisfaction in small unnoticeable things but is that what you want and search for happiness continues one day you finally notice that life is difficult you realize that you seek happiness moment-to-moment but you find only temporary relief from your search you see that even if you have all what is necessary for a decent life you still must struggle looking boredom and dissatisfaction out of your attention you may even start meditate to keep your ego on the leash but is there any good in life well yeah eventually find that girl you buy that house you earn that car your visit countryside you get your own children but then you get trapped you rise them up for years you invest in them as much as you can.

you wait that they grew up finish education become independent to finally feel free again then you turn yourself around and notice that you get old then your parents pass away your children leave you and you feel alone again but sooner than you think everything is back to normal in the mean time you get your grandchildren you feel happiness around them you please them you like them they even like you but very soon they grew up and start to avoid you willingly or not you still must work but you can't - the retirement when that moment comes you feel the relief I have done it but soon you realize again the life is unfair you have earned your pension but you must stay humble you finally have time but so little to spend and you continue to live your simple life so is it all what can average person expect of course not we are all different each of us has his own way but yeah we all struggle one way or another but stay positive there is a lot of beauty in life

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