When Good Dinner Goes Bad

in #life7 years ago (edited)


The Perils of Parenting. Dining out with a child in tow is often as much fun as being clubbed in the jigglies, repeatedly.

My good lady was at a midwives appointment today. As it was getting late we decided to pop into a quaint little Italian restaurant near the hospital. I thought to myself, wow this place is awesome. I will review it for Steemit!

Enter the Battlefield Rest.

Back in ye olden days. That's the very hospital we were at behind it, still there!

Its a very quaint little building in the area of Battlefield on the south side of Glasgow. Built back in 1914 it used to be a Tram Stop back in the day and is renowned for having been a place where naughty dalliances were once had. All that stopped when a local restauranteur purchased the place and converted it into the funky modern Italian bistro it now is.

Oh the times me and the missus had here in the past before parenthood. The lolz and adventures with wine and linguini are uncountable!

the-battlefield-rest (1).jpg

So today we thought, Hey, let's not bother cooking. Let's pop in here for a bite to eat!

Fantastic idea on paper. Our little girl is a veritable angel behaviour-wise compared to some other kids.

So in we popped, our daughter was very excited. 'Can I have spaghetti!' She shouted somewhat wildly.

'Of course you can!' I bellowed. 'Spaghetti, pizza, you name it. We are going to have a great FUN dinner!'

So we sat down, all three of us. Me the good lady and my smashing little daughter.


It's a lovely place and there were twelve or so people in at this point in the evening. Many were drinking wine and the atmosphere was very civilised, very respectable.

The waiter materialised next to us proferring menus and asking if sir or madam would like to order drinks. We ordered a couple of glasses of wine and an apple juice for the little one. The drinks arrived. I looked lovingly at my good lady and raised my glass. 'Heres to...'


'WHERES HORSE?' Demanded my daughter as she writhed about in despair on her chair. Horse had gone missing it seemed. Much searching of floors and horse was found under her napkin.

I raised my glass to my good lady again, we smiled that secret smile that couples have at each other and she raised her glass to toast me.

'I NEED THE TOILET!' Yelled my daughter, since entering the restaurant she seemed to have forgotten how to speak normally. Off she went to the toilet with the good lady after curtly rejecting my offer to go with her. 'DAAADDY is SILLY' being the reason.


They came back. Daughter climbed into her chair. Good lady sat down. The waiter came and took our orders. Darling daughter ordered pizza.

I gazed at my good lady, pulling forth a slightly forced manic grin . 'Well,' I said. 'Lets enjoy our...'

'DADDY STOP TALKING! I'M TALKING!' Screeched my delightful daughter.

I explained calmly and reasonably that Daddy was talking and she would have to wait till I had finished. My daughter responded by sliding under the table.


I couldn't help but feel that horse was winning this unseen battle. My good lady opened her mouth but before she could speak.


Except I fucking didn't, despite being sorely tempted to. My daughter surfaced from under the table. She glowered at me triumphantly. 'Daddy hurt my hand.'

The next several minutes revolved around me patiently explaining that no, I did not hurt her hand whilst under my breath cursing all liars to the seven winds.

Our food arrived. Myself and the good lady breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps our little angel was just hungry, she was normally so good in these places.

'I WANTED SPAGHETTIIIIIIII!' She screamed reasonably

'But you asked for pizza?' We both said.


Somehow her foot was on the table and her juice clunked onto its side sending a tsunami of apple juice into my lap.


I grimaced, aware of the looks the other diners were shooting us and stood up. My pale grey trousers sodden with apple juice at the ball area demonstrating to the world that I had pissed myself.

My good lady remonstrated with our darling little princess who promptly burst into tears. I held myself rigidly with a plastic frozen grin on my face as I went to the toilet to mop my groin ineffectualy with hand towels.

I came back shortly after. My daughter looked like a crying aubergine with wild blonde hair.

After several minutes trying to instil some reasonable behaviour from our beautiful girl we gave up, took the food, paid the bill and headed for home. Daughter cried all the way there.

We got home. I announced I would go and heat up the food and headed to the kitchen. The apple of my eye looked around quizzically?


Later I managed to convince my other half that I was actually shouting Fox, foxing, foxing fox or of the window.


I stopped crying long enough to tweet this and tagged you on the Foxing Twitter machine LOL


BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 25 Apr 2017 - 22:20 UTC

1 of the Funniest #Parenting stories everrrr. by @meesterboom #Funny #LOL #Kids

steemit.com/life/@meesterb… / https://t.co/0rv27RkAml

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

You are a foxing legend!!! :0)

Those are the days I do NOT miss, LOL!! My children being 13 and 16 now are quite delightful to bring to restaurants...at that age, not so much.
Daddy kicked my hand, cursing liars to the wind, hilarious, hee!
Of course you were shouting about foxes out the window, perfectly reasonable thing to do.

foxing fox!!!

Haha, yeah. I can't wait for the civilised times ahead. Just now I think I might stick to fast food joints!!!

That's what I saw!!!

You're foxin' dyin' are ye? (My Scottish accent via typing)

I can hear ye brudder !!!!!!!!!

brudder!! I just left a brudder song on someone else's post. After showering that post with silliness, I had to bring it around to hugs and love. Now I feel like it has to migrate here, lol.

Thanks for thinking of me sister!

You're a beautiful guy Barry Dutton :)

...Except I fucking didn't, despite being sorely tempted to.

OMG dude I am crying laughing typing this

It's always good to say straight up what you think at that very moment and that was me right there!! Hehe. Cheers man!!!

I have some decent posts up again.... You are one of the people who has encouraged me a lot to keep doing and keep trying.

I likely will be laying in bed laughing later at that one line in here that made me cry LOL

Your posts are excellent dude! You are hitting that top spot!!

I'm sure my Mom was glad she never brought me on any dates hahaha. I was a handful just her and I.
Good post. Brought back some funny memoriez.


Glad it bought back some funny memories! I can't wait till they are funny memories for me too!! lol

Hehe, yeah, I am laughing now! :0)

Awwww man! I'm crying over here!! lol...I think all parents have experienced that a time or two! Lol...Great stuff my friend:)

It is really good to know that it is a common thing! I was so looking forward to my nice Italian dinner and was unprepared for the madness!!!

Haha!! Yes I think these kids secretly know what they are doing...Deep down inside, I think they receive much pleasure and enjoyment from our pain! lol

It genuinely seemed like it! I kept thinking, what? Are you kidding me!

I am crying with laughter now...most children do this so I sympathize with you...I hope you're expecting a boy this time!

Hehe, don't know yet, are they any better!!!

Oh yes. Far better. They don't care about food at all, and they run around all over the place. Once I wanted to tie my son to the table so that we didn't have to run after him and try to make him sit down. The joys of parenthood...

Haha, I am not totally sold! The chasing times are also times I've want to put rocks in her pockets to stop her moving far!! Lol

Girls are definitely more finicky than boys. I have two boys and so far it has been smooth sailing. I don't think I would have survived a girl though....

Wel don't tell the missus but guess what I have my fingers crossed for then!

Oh you should cross your toes too...My brother has two beautiful intelligent extremely witty girls. One is seven and the other one is three... they are totally exhausting!

I know that feeling. Toes crossed. I have aged ten years in the last two and thats just with one!

That's a genius idea lol

Thanks for sharing your story - it was enjoyable to read; in a "I'm glad that didn't happen to me sort of way". It's good to see that you've been able to look back on the whole situation and make light of it.
P.s. I like the images dotted throughout the post, it really helps to bring it to life =)

Cheers! I do like to spice up a big block of text. Yeah, I am kinda giggling now. It was very cathartic writing the post! :0)

You made me laugh!)))) This is so touching)))) I wish you and your ladies happiness!)) I have two children and I understand you)))) lol

Thank you! It makes me feel better to know I have made someone laugh about it :O)

All parents had a similar experience, believe me, after some year you'll think about this and you'll laugh with your daughter :D

I look forward to the day!!!

Children, what can I say... They just want more attention, I think all parents have to go through this.

It is very good to hear, sometimes you worry that its just your own! Its a very special kind of madness these young years!

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