Thursdays With Uncle Boom #74

in #life6 years ago

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Ach it's good to be home!

Exclaimed my good friend Dougal McStromlin. He reached out his Whisky glass and clinked it against mine and we both took a hearty swig. He was a fine fellow Dougal despite having a face like a smoker's morning phlegm.

We were in the club, celebrating Dougal's return with a Gentleman's breakfast. He had spent some time in the Americas and I was keen to hear of his experiences.

So what did you get up out there, old fellow? You've been gone for ages?

I took a contented puff from my pipe and blew it out above our heads. I may have been drunk but I fancied I could see the shape of a Rhino's penis in the smoke.


Dougal nodded.

Aye, that is right. I was setting up my charitable foundation, The McStromlin Trust, took a while to get going.

I curled my lip in distaste at the mention of charity. He had never seemed the type in the past. I wondered if he had gone soft in the head or met a woman or some such.

A charitable foundation? Whatever for?

Dougal grinned like a dog licking testicles.

Well, between you and me it's all a bit of a tax wheeze!

Ah. Now that makes sense!

I raised my glass to his and we downed the rest of our drink.

More Whisky!

I roared at the nearby waiter who, despite standing nearby, had not come running when he saw our glasses emptying, as he was glued to his mobile phone.


The peonic waiter fellow tucked his phone away and came trotting over with another bottle of Lagavulin.

Sorry, sirs.

Muttered the sponny young peon, filling our glasses up.

I ignored him and tilted my chin to Dougal.

So is this something you would recommend then? I mean, I have most of my accounts in the Caymans but you know, I am ever open to another dodge.

Dougal nodded grimly.

Aye man, I would do it if I were you. Taxes are for the poor and unwashed. We are gentlemen, we shouldn't have to pay such nonsense.

Hmm, I will look into it.

I mused absent-mindedly. My gaze had followed the peonic waiter as he returned to the nearby alcove and buried his head in his phone again.

I looked around, the club was empty. Not surprising, given that it was just after ten in the morning. A Gentleman's breakfast was not for the faint-hearted.


You absolutely should, Boomy, old chap. Just pick some random charity nonsense as your 'cause' and Bob is your Uncle. Might get you a bloody knighthood too. The Queen loves that shit. Any ideas for what you might choose?

Dougal scratched his arse vigorously.

I do have an idea actually. I have always thought to help those less advantaged than ourselves. You know, giving a lending hand to the peons, as it were.

Dougal stopped scratching his arse and reached out for his glass to raise in another toast.

A Lending Hand, there is the name of your Foundation right there, Boomy, you clever bastard!


Yes, I do like that actually.

I smiled and together we downed our glasses, slapping them down on the table with gusto.

Dougal looked over at the phone fixated waiter.

What the fucking fucks, man. He is a bit slow isn't he? OI! Get over here!

He yelled at the peon.

I chuckled in approval.

The waiter came running over phone in one hand and bottle of whisky in the other.

Sorry, sirs. I am expecting a call from my wife and...

Dougal snatched the phone from his hand.

What? Expecting a call from your wife? When there are gentlemen present that require whisky?! Outrageous!

He got up and swayed over to the nearby open window.

Hey, give me my phone back!

The waiter chased Dougal to the window, squeaking in horror as Dougal flung the phone out of it. I sighed and got up to follow them both.

That's the latest iPhone, it cost me a fucking fortune!

The waiter wailed as he leaned over the window sill gazing down at his shattered phone several floors below.

I nudged Dougal and gave him a cheery nod.

Young ones nowadays, can't live without their bloody phones for a minute, eh!

Dougal laughed.

The waiter turned, his face purple with rage.

You pair of obnoxious fucking bastards. Damn right, I can't live without my phone, so fucking what? You had better cough up for a new one, sharpish.

I leered like a cat on a stick.

Dougal, throw that window open a bit wider would you?

With pleasure, Boomy!

Exclaimed Dougal, shoving the window till it gaped wide.

Can't live without it eh?

I exclaimed merrily to the peon, grabbing his lapels.

What, let go of me, what, the... aaahggh!?

I hefted the peon up and out of the window with a grunt.


There was a distant wet thud from the ground below.

Dougal looked out at the sploppy mess the peon had made, way below.

Oops. Poor chap slipped right over.

I nodded in agreement.

Such a shame but yes. I will get his wife's address and send her a boiled ham and some flowers.

You are faultlessly kind, Boomy. Where did you learn to be such a gentleman?

I giggled and took a puff of my pipe.

Ah, Dougal. I couldn't possibly say. After all...

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another year has commenced in fine form, the younger generation in the future will grow an appendage just for holding their mobile phones to their ears.

I dread to think the appendage ;0)

A brutal ending! Next time I see two high-class looking chaps in a bar, i'm going to listen in for..

What the fucking fucks, man.

And chime in with 'I know, right'. Hopefully a free whiskey will soon come my way!

I wouldn't be going near that free whisky, you might end up doing a header out the window!! :0D

but, but, it's free whisky! I'll visit a ground level bar just in case :)

Aye, that might work. Free whisky is the bizzo!! Hehe!

free whiskey... safer than free pie?

Well, I definitely would never ever try the free pie!

Not even if it were chocolate? Or peanut butter? Or chocolate peanut butter?

Ah, your favourite!!

You have to be very careful what you decide you can't live without. LOL !

Yes, more care to be taken with those words!!

I’m sure I’ve asked this before but given the constant interesting appearances of Uncle Boom’s friends what kind of company does he keep, dis he need glasses or is the interesting perception coming from his brain or does he actually reside in the spirit world or some other such alternate dimension 😆

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Perhaps it's all in his head, maybe he can't abide not being the most handsome man in the room!!

OHOHO! Dougal McStromlin and the Lagavulin! I've heard he's a bit of a dreamer, isn't he? I have yet to meet him but I'm looking forward to sharing a case of wine with the two of you in the Gentleman's Club ;)

Just one case? A flying visit then? We shall be sure to stock up!!

Did I say American case? I meant a proper Scottish case! A vineyard worth of bottles of course! Of course!!

That's a proper case!! A case for the ages!!

That was funny as fook my friend lol.

face like a smoker's morning phlegm.

Especially that bit, no idea what kind of mind that comes out of pmsl.

Haha, a warped mind I do believe!!!

I like to let loose on a Thursday :0D

It was well worth letting loose and had me being glared at for keep laughing out loud by my ladies. :-)

Hehe, top notch!! That's what I like to hear!

Reminds me of the early episodes of TWUB, though I think you used the phrase A Helping Hand there.

Damn right, I can't live without my phone, so fucking what?

Tsk. Young'uns these days. Can't appreciate a good thing if it slaps 'em across the backside. Not that I'm saying you should Not that I'm saying you shouldn't

I think I did too, it's nice to go back, back, back, back

Oh!! How I had forgotten that earnestly written little piece. It is a bit of a favourite of mine. I was a tad gutted that it earned zero. Lol

Well well, looks like Uncle Boom has met a partner in crime! It's always so nice to find like-minded people hee ;)

Hehehe, it sure is!! ;O)

The peonic lasses oft require a bit more than boiled ham and flowers... something more akin to a few good thumps on a well-rounded backside!

Now we are straying into pleasure territory! ;oD

It is hard to get reliable staff these days. Whittle out the good from the bad I say.

Its something that should be done at the interview stage i feel!

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