The Man Card

in #life7 years ago


I was in one of the more salubrious meeting rooms in work. I had been summoned by El Jefe to discuss a matter of great importance and some urgency.

I stared out the window at the dribbling rain and dark cloud lurking overhead. I knew what this meeting was about of course. I had requested to change my working hours.

I suspected by now that the request had percolated through the many convoluted layers of management and arrived at El Jefe. Just as I thought of him the door swung open.


Boom Dawg!

He bellowed, pulling up a chair and sitting very close to me. So close in fact that his knee was slightly touching mine.

I pretended to ignore this violation of Man Etiquette.

He threw his hands up in the air and exuberantly exclaimed.

So, where are we?

There was a pause. I didn't answer.

Where have we found ourselves?

He proclaimed even louder as he looked around at an audience I couldn't see.

I still didn't answer. He puffed his chest up and looked very serious. He leaned in as close as he could without charging me twenty bucks and grinding on my nethers.

Here we are...

He intoned solemnly, nodding with satisfaction and looking at me the way a seal looks at a man with a fish.


I recently got an application? Something about, hmmm, reducing hours or some such matter?

He slid backwards in his chair and crossed his hands behind his head.

I stared at a point just to the left of his head. (try it, it's really annoying)

Yes, that is correct. I am changing my work pattern.

Well now... Are you?

He replied cryptically raising an eyebrow.

I sighed inwardly.

Yes. I am.

To... ahem... spend more... time... with your... family?

He made a face like he had found some anal phlegm on his sandwich.


And there it was, the face said everything. He was playing the man card. He hadn't overtly said that my request was not going to be allowed but I could sense the implication that by even asking I was being a woos. I mean, what man would rather spend time with his family than in work?

Yes. That's right. Spend more time with the people I love.

I emphasised my point by grinning like Clint Eastwood's Orangutan in that film from years back.

El Jefe looked as if I had particularly dirty fingernails and was asking for a date with his daughter.


One would have been forgiven for thinking you were going to ask for more hours! Get a bit of peace and quiet eh!

He leaned forward again to give me what he possibly considered a manly nudge and a wink.

So...are we really going to do this? Eh? I mean... Really?

He produced the change of hours form I had filled out and waved it back and forth a few times disapprovingly.

Yes indeed we are.

He stood, looking thoughtful. As if he was my dad and I had just told him that I was worried my foreskin was too tight.

Ok then, request approved.

He gave a theatrical sigh and left the room. I waited till he was definitely gone before yelping a victory whoop!

More family time here I come!


Nice one my man, was this you on the way out of work today?

Off home to the little fella...

Screw El Jefe you gotta do what's right for you and your family, besides if you get sick of it or if they get sick of you, you can always go back to normal hours.

That's the monkey I meant! Clyde!!!

That was my thinking. Can go back to normal if desperate but this way can see more of the fam!

You made a wise move my friend. You can never get back the time that you didn't spend with your family.

Amen to that... He's a better man than me... when the guy touched my knee I would have popped him in the mouth and got fired!

Lol, even more spare time that way!!

That was exactly my thinking @kus-knee! I can always up the hours again later if need be :0)

My English is not so good to get a lot of pleasure from reading the posts here, rather, first of all I do it to get new knowledge (crypto, science...)

But You write so easy, funny and exciting that I get real pleasure. It's like watching a favorite sketch TVseries :)

He stood, looking thoughtful. As if he was my dad and I had just told him that I was worried my foreskin was too tight.

Man that is just about the best compliment ever! Cheers mate! I do try my best to make them visual and a bit like a TV series!

Well, you're doing that great ;)

Cheers! And to me your English looks pretty snazzy! :0)

OK Google translate, write the new word in my dictionary.

Hehe, it's a good friend the old Google translate ;0)

Wise choice mate, congratulations on the result. That el Jefe is a bit of a drama Queen now isn't he? And thank you for the imagery that played like a movie in my mind, complete with three different camera views.

Laughed outloud at the phleghm thing. Thanks, a fun bedtime story with a happy ending.

Hehe, I have no idea where the phlegm thing came from, I just thought, what would a disgusted face be like? and it popped out!

He is a bit of a one!

Yep, that would absolugely do the trick, hahaha.

Yeah, I feel ill imagining it!

A woos? Is that Scottish for wuss? Haha!

That's awesome, real men want more time with their family because real men choose the right woman and have amazing children because of it. My man has a saying, "In the end it's all about the people you love and the places you saw." Everything else is filler.

Looks like my gif today was meant for you too!


You know, when I was typing it, I kept thinking. That doesn't look right! Yes, a bloody wuss!! Oh dear, silly me!

Oh my that is a great saying. I think I would like Mr Weemy!

Goody, goody gum drops, more family time means more Boomers to read.
Less office time = less wages countered by more posts = more payouts,

He made a great choice. I've never worked 100% in my life!

Lol, I don't think I have more than one post in me a day. Unless I gave up my job entirely!

excellent decision dear friend @meesterboom and congratulations for the approval, the money is necessary to live, however spend more time at home in the company of the family is priceless.
Well done dear friend
I wish you a wonderful day

Cheers @jlufer. Little steps on the road to finding some kind of middle ground!

Hope you have a fabulous day!

Reading this I got reminded of this thing called "Karoshi". I was surprised to know something like this even exists!

Wow, I had never even heard of that. I definitley want to avoid that!

Great decision - what are the working hours like normally? Some bosses just do not understand that we actually have a life outside of work and just expect more and more (will not mention names)

37 hours of madness! So I am doing slightly longer days to get a whole day off! I thin it will be worth it :O)

This is a perfect example that it is still not normal for a man to want to be more at home. Had you been a woman El Jefe wouldn't make such a fuss.
You handled it as a man and that's (strangely enough) a great compliment in the Netherlands, it means you handled it perfectly!

I will take that compliment happily!! Yes, I thought too that it was a bit sexist really. He was totally angling at the fact that I was a man and their why on earth would I want to spend time with them. Idiot!

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