Sweet Bearded Lady Beers!

in #life5 years ago


Who wants a mouthful of Bearded Lady? ME!

Dat's right sister-brother-men, this week is all about decadence. Decadence of the highest order... I mean beers of course... not vaginas!

Oh, you guys.

It is quite a fascinating pair up this week. In fact, looking at the beers it looks like Cake Saturday not beer Saturday!

I have a white Imperial Stout to start with... Whoever heard of such a thing. Not just any old whitey but this one is a White Caribean cake stout. Does that mean it's not a roasty toasty black thing?

Goodness, I can hardly imagine.

Then to follow that up we have the notorious Bearded Lady, A dank, menacing, black forest gateaux of a stout.

This is shaping up to be a whole pile of goodness and by that, I don't mean one of those ones that poke out of your back chimney!

So enough of my vajazzle. Let's get stuck into the cakiest of cakey beers. Starting with that pale and wintry white stout...


This one is brewed by Siren Craft Brewing in collaboration with Cigar City Brewing who I quite like. Ooooo, good vibes! It has roasted cacao nibs, vanilla and cranberries and apparently it's harmonised by Cypress wood.

This White Caribbean Chocolate Cake nonsense sounds quite lovely.

But what is all this Cypress Wood malarkey?

Wasn't that a band?

I could google it, I suppose but I'm scared of the deep state monitoring such seditious searches.

Aaargh. For the love of God, enough waffling and more quaffing!


It's not black?! It really isn't. Quick, someone call the cops, this beer's off its chops!

I have never seen a white stout before. I had an idea it might actually be white. Not just look like a supermarket beer.

Oh well, I am sure it will taste magic!

Holy fucking macaroon, it tastes like a wet dog. A dead wet dog. A dead wet dog covered in stinky mulchy leaves. For a moment I thought it might be good then the strange wood taste kicked in. Boak. 2/10 booms.

I think I might eat some of the cat litter from my cats tray to get the taste out of my mouth. Blegh.

Now before the next, let's have a guess the tune, steem winning scheme! If you roughly guess the tune this snippet is from you can win some steem!!

Shenanigans over. Back to the beer!


This be the beer that has caused all the penisery confusion of the last couple of days. Well, well, well, bearded lady. It is time to put you to bed.

Ahem, as it were.

A black forest gateaux. I can barely spell the word but I do like a black cherry or two.

Let's get stuck in!


Aha, back in the land of black stouts . Firmer ground all round I feel. It looks a charmer. Like a snake that has been burnt over a wood fire.

Mmm, burnt snakes!

But the taste?

An amazingly smooth and velvety Imperial stout. Bags of malt but mellow and sweet. It has a cinder toffee linger to it, the cherry from the black forest gateaux is not so apparent until after I have glugged loads of it. A fabby black Knight of a beer! 9/10 booms!!

Well, what a rollercoaster this has been. But at least it had a happy ending!


Enjoy your weekend everyone! Cheers!


A tough guitar riff to recognise this week Boomy, it sounds familiar (from a TV show?) but I canne place it?!

Wet wood, that a dog has pissed on, no thanks!

Number two, straight from the lungs of a forty a day kinda person - I think you knew it would be the better of the two :)

Have you had your works night out this weekend and did you get to 10 pints/arrested?! :O

It's next Thursday, the works thing!!!

And it is a toughh tune but I know you will actually know it. From the dark past, a theme indeed!! ;0)

Hehe, I was fairly certain that number two was a winner. I did hope that the first might surprise me though!!

Ahh, and mine is the day after. Do you have Friday off?!

The first seemed surprisingly bad?!

I will have another listen....

Yeah, we often have Thursdays at the big night which is a bit mental considering the estates people get into. That's why I always get the next day off!

Yeah, I thought the first might be alright not minging!

Sporty tunes. Or it's it a sport?? Hmmm

White chocolate cake, white imperial stout!!! WTF! Although I do like an imperialist beer, especially the woody tasting ones 😂

P.s. nice to see you shredding the ole guitar ax dude!

Hehe, a very miniature shred, lol!! White stout indeed. An absolutely new one on me and I can't say I was impressed!!

Lol you piss head, you know what comes after Decadence? Downfall of empire lol.

More beer!! That's what comes!!! :0D

hahaha it taste like a wet dog....briljant... These day's I have a wet dog in tha house a lot.....wouldn't want to taste that...and especially not in a beer...

Oh I know, there is no chance you would want to taste that, you can tell by the smell it wouldnt be pretty! :OD

Do you tell the bear man about these reviews and your thoughts in the beers he recommends? 😆

Glad bearded lady turned out alright 😆

Lol, heck no. It's one of the reasons I don't tell him I review them, in case he ever asks to see!

We've got you figured out 'ol Boomy. These "reviews" are just an excuse to get good an plastered while you fiddle with them Victorian 🐋 bone corsets round the rotund hindquarters of dem tipsy British bar-girls.

Come to think of it, that ain't a bad evening after all! :)

I've been sussed out!! Caught, in fact! Damn it, if it hadn't been for you pesky kids!!! :0D

Looks like cinder toffee too!!

Aaar. That be true cap'n. A fine brew!! :0)

Give the 2/10 to the dog, they tend to like beer.. , though my fussy dog doesn't!

Maybe I should get a dog just for that!

Hey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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