
in #life6 years ago


The weeks till my daughter starts School for the very first time have been rushing by.

We have been talking with her and watching as she got more and more excited about going to School with the big girls.

To be honest we were expecting some kind of emotional breakdown before the event but she just got more and more excited.


Last night as we were trying on her uniform in a trial run, she was chatting.

We are all going to have such fun in School aren't we?

She beamed at her Mummy and I.

I gulped. Was this the meltdown we had been expecting? Were we now to brace ourselves against the floods of tears and have to stay awake half the night comforting our little chicken pie as she confronted the bleak and grim reality of the fun times being over?


Erm, you know that Mummy and Daddy won't be coming into School with you, bunny-cheeks, don't you?

My darling little lady looked at me then her Mummy. Her mouth opened slightly.

I mentally steeled myself for the dam of madness to burst open.

The little lady tilted her head to one side.

Oh! Silly me! It's just like nursery. Of course you won't be coming in!

She laughed and carried on pulling on her pinafore.

My heart swelled with pride at my happy little girl. So strong and independent.


The good lady was feeling it too and put a hand on my shoulder.

Just as Atlas squeaked when first bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders, I let out a little squeak myself.

The little lady wrestled her pinafore on and looked up at her big watery eyed, squeaky Daddy.

She put a hand on my knee.

It's ok if you want to cry Daddy?

I snorted like a deranged boar in wet undergrowth being chased by a fat king.

I may have shed a tear also.


Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Such a lovely story that is sure to be a treasured remembrance.

What is not to love....pinafores, school uniforms, and a wee bit of growing up?

Wishing you and yours all the best. ^__^


Ah the growing up, I think that is the thing that sets me off. When I saw her in her proper little pinafore and blouse and tie with her shoes I felt suckerpunched.

It is a special time indeed, a sad and happy special time/

Cheers @bleujay and all the very best! :O)

Congratulation my dear for your 9000 followers. My post for you , please check

Oh, goodness. Thank you!

Sir, you see my Post

I asked my son if he wants to go back to school shopping, he said Shut-up dad I don't want to talk about school!

Lol, I can see my daughter doing the same after a few days of it perhaps, or even next year n

Just wait until the first day.

If she has to get on a bus, don't be surprised if you hop in your car and follow the bus to school just to see her get off. These things happen.

Everyone thinks the parents are happy on the first day of school. They are proud, but that first piece of your child's independence rips out of your chest and heads to school with her.

Don't get me wrong, in the highschool years, parents need to take a day off work on their child's first day back to school - celebrations are to be had!

Today was the first, it was a roller coaster indeed. She was a trooper and we were like emotional wrecks! It really does rip something out of your chest!

I can see that high school celebration becoming a thing!

Lol. You're crying over a school uniform one day and killing random plebs the next. This is why your content is never boring.

Hehe, why thank ya missy!! :0)

Bahahahahaha, It is so true. Often the tears and stress of the first day of school are those of the parents. I love that she gave you permission to cry, she knows your place and reminds you of it. LOL. On a serious note, it is such an awesome time. I remember when my kids all started school. Feels like so long ago now as my youngest is now 10 years old and about to start grade 5.

Wow, that must be quite something going into grade 5. It is truly a magical time them first starting and an emotional one. I felt all wobbly again today!

I am losing my mannity!

Yeah, when we have a family and kids our mannity is always in jeopardy. Haha. I now have a kid in his last year of high school and one about to finish middle school. I lost mine long ago. lol

Hehe, yeah, I dont see mine lasting long!

Thankgiving Thursday it is. Here is your free 100% upvote from @betgames. Thank you for delegating SP to us.

What a joy to know about your daughter @meesterboom, I barely have a baby 3 months old, and I'm imagining when that day arrives. Congratulations to her. God bless you always friend. Reason you have @velimir when he says "If you want to laugh away enjoy @meesterboom 's posts full of brisk humor and positive attitude!"

Hehe, yes, there is brisk humour here indeed usually! This post was a little more emotional. Thank y ou for reading!


These times are for treasuring, and now you have an entry here that if re-read in the future will spark fond memories of times your daughter 'grew' a little more.

Thanks for sharing with us @meesterboom!

Cheers mate!

I love that fact about steemit that all this stuff is cemented in the blockchain!

They grow up so fast... mine was so excited going to grade 1 and two weeks later she tells me she thinks she can stop going because she knows all the work now hahaha. Before you know it she is in gr 12. Good luck with this whole new chapter of your live - and 'going through school again' for you too

Cheers lass! It is a time of change indeed. She had a wonderful this morning and said she didn't want to go back because it wasn't what she thought it would be but it's all fine!

Awwwwwwwwww.... It's the parents who bring on the waterworks during children's milestones. I can't believe the little lady has now taken a huge step towards her path to world domination. I'm so proud! Of her, and of you daddy-o! Wait 'til The Mountain goes to school and then you'll be empty nesting!

Oh lord, we have talked about that. It is a weird feeling having one being all grown up. It seems so odd, when the mountain goes we will be bereft. Then again I will be as old as feck so might not care! :OD

OR at that point, you might already be too glad that the nest is empty and now the only problem you have is where to park your crypto-earned yacht that houses all those lambos!!

I will probably end up with a negative balance with my crypto by them!!

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