Saturday's Wild Beers!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Look at these fellas! Blood orange beer? Coffee, oats and milk beer... Say what!

Well Saturday night has rolled up again and I have quite literally knocked my pan in in the garden all day. As a reward I have some exotic canned beauties lining up for me. The choices are astoundingly amazing and perhaps a little bizarre. I mean one in particular has coffee, cacao, oats and milk in it. Are they having a laugh?!

First up: The Semi-Skimmed Occultist (8% yeek)

From the Scottish Brewdog brewery who are producing some fantastic concoctions.

This one is intriguing, I mean look at these ingredients!

It's blacker than pitch, almost intimidatingly so, but no matter. I gird my loins and get on with it. Mmm, very malty and you can just get a pleasant hint of coffee. Very good!

Mmmm! Perhaps now Can I summon those pesky creatures from the higher dimensions!

It has to be said. I am a sucker for the new style of cans that craft beers are coming in. I mean some of them are very arty! Look at this one. I have had this before, a straight up IPA. Very pleasant to drink. But look at the can, all the skull nonsense. It's a shame to open it... Almost

Beavertown Neck Oil


As I say, it's a good second beer. Easy drinking which prepared me nicely for another from Beavertown

Bloody 'Ell - Blood Orange IPA


Another skull design, I almost thought @opheliafu had a hand in designing these cans!

This is a fantastic one, the orange is subtle just how it should be but definitely noticeable. Ah, reminds me of sunny, misspent days when I was doing black ops in Korea.

And now for a not so well known brewery, Roosters. Well I only started hearing about them recently despite them having been on the go for almost 25 years!

Baby-Faced Assassin

I mean, I would buy it for the name alone!!

I mean I could wax lyrical about the flavour but the can tells it all. And it ain't lying!

interlude- imagine cheesy elevator music


And so to finish. Another from Beavertown...

Smog Rocket Smoked Porter


At this point I will be looking slightly asymmetrical and wondering who stole my hat

Sadly we may never know

Join me in a glass!! Cheers!.


Those look interesting. Here in Chile, the beer isn't bad, but it is boring. I am headed to the states soon where once again, I will have a good beer or two,.... or three, but whose counting

I am sure there will be plenty of splendid beers to be had back in the states. The craft beer thing seems to be exploding all over the place! :0)

My Dad says he's really looking forward to Blue Moon

It's very nice ;0)

Another drunken night. Enjoy :)

My darling, a gentleman is never drunk. A gentleman is a sophisticate who imbibes with much cheer among his fellows. Perhaps at some point a glow of cameraderie may be achieved and yes, to the peons standing in the cold peering in our windows they may think drunk but oh the churls ,how they feed on their own bile!

In fact I will go so far as to say that tonight, I shant be drunk but I may appear at some points to be riding a fine stallion in the low legged knee fashion made famous by Khan and his hordes.

Good day to you :O)

As in the pumping of the infernal wind machine!!

You need to add more water and use a good air freshner :)

I have never met an air freshener that's tastes nice in water. Eeeurgh. Beer for me! ;0)

Put the beer down and move away you have had enough

The world is not enough!!!

Oh yeah, they are totally amazing!

Cheers Mate!

Nice batch of unique beers. Not the kind we can get around here.

Here's a Golden Dragon Brewmaster 2016 on the menu. With delicate Wood and whiskey aroma. Gold amber colored yeast roily beer, Grand Cru type 10.5%. Nice soft sweet taste with slight bitter tingle. Another one to enjoy by the Belgian Van Steenberge brewery.

Cor blimey that's a cracker! As I said earlier, I can almost be sold on the name alone and that one would do it. Sounds like a fine beer too!! Cheers mate!!

Thanks man! It does live up to the promise! Maybe some beer exchange program would be possible between the low- and highlands. :-)

Ah that would be fantastic!! Dang the border controls and their lack of free sharing of alcoholic things!!!

Open borders, free drinks all around!
We share, cause we care, for booz and beer. :-)

Hey, you have your singing head on!!

And I've only just finished my first spirit in a bottle, hahaha.

'...singing drunken lullabies...'

Hehe, I was well on my road to bed then!!

It seems that you've become quite the connoisseur of the malty variety. Is it just me or is the Roosters one the best designed of them all? I know your preference for them skulls, but check your bias in the front door for a bit and look at them. Right?? I mean, am I right??

Neck Oil definitely sounds unappetizing haha! And no witty fancy schamnsy copy at the back like the Elvis Juice from before!

Ah, reminds me of sunny, misspent days when I was doing black ops in Korea.

Ah so that's where I've seen you! I couldn't quite put my finger on it before, but I remember everything so clearly now :D

The Roosters one? The Baby Faced Assassin! It's a pleasing design that's for sure but I actually thought it a little plain compared to the others! Neck oil was nice although the name could be improved!

And yes, the black ops. Obviously where we were both forged! :0D

You know what, I really took a minute or so to think if the Neck Oil should be taken literally haha! I mean, how would that go? Fermented oil drained from the neck of laborers? That'll really be exotic for sure!

A little plain? A little plain??!!* How dare you, sir. How dare you?!

Just a little ;0D

That might not be so pleasant for sure. Mmm yummy labourer neck oil!! Yeeeek!

"Give me some of that labor grease, and throw in some soot and perspiration while you're at it," said no one ever.

Never seen any like these! Although I'm not a huge beer drinker (bad Belgium.... don't like waffles and fries either), they seem alright.

They are pretty funky arent they! It seems to be a relatively new thing for all these different flavours but I aint complaining! :O)

Hope they make it to the Asians supermarkets too!

I am sure they will try!

Excellent post dear friend @meesterboom, to speak with foundation it was necessary to try all varieties of beers, thank you very much for other informative material

Thank you @jlufer. Yes indeed they must be tried to be explained!! Cheers for reading!

The few beer cans you have here have really interesting design.

The designs are certainly something that really appeals!

Can someone pls ship some of these to west Africa plssss?.......can you please follow back @meesterboom,it will be an Honour.

Hehe, yes, it would be good if they could get shipped over!

Of course, always like a follow!!

I've actually had blood orange beer before, but I don't think it was by BeaverTown...I feel like I'd remember that name, lol! Those look delicious though. I've been telling people I'm going to start a series on my blog soon called Exploring the FingerLakes. Breweries, along with wineries which we have a zillion of, are going to be a part of that exploration :)

The blood orange one was tremendous.

That would be a great idea, especially if you have a zillion to choose from!!! They were a great bunch of beers. I was a very happy man last night ;0)

A zillion wineries, breweries are just becoming a thing here. I think there might be five or six of them now. We also have a few cideries and distilleries- one of the latter is owned by a close friend's brother :)

Well that is very handy indeed! I dread to think the problems I would have if a relative owned a distillery/brewery!!

Oh, I am definitely with you on the brewery, I wish that's what he owned...then again, I'm probably glad that it's a distillery since I don't imbibe in liquor very often ;) Actually, I was never a wine girl either, but because of our winter business we've been working with a number of them for years and have become pretty close to a few of the owners. Free wine tastings and even wine has definitely made me more of a fan these days :)

Free wine tastings, yeah that would work too change your mind!

Funnily enough I used to just drink beer and spirits and the like but these days if drinking with the good lady I tend to just drink wine. Obviously because I am so urbane, Haha. With her being preggers and not drinking that's why I have been indulging my beery beer side!

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