Saturday Beer Special!!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Saturday!!! And not just any old Saturday, this is a Saturday special!!!

But what's special you ask??

The answer is always beer! Well, more than that. After seeing last Saturday's washout of a beer tasting, the mighty @exyle decided to send beers from the far off and exotic Netherlands to the fine purple hills of Scotland!!


Sling his developer group @blockbrothers a witness vote if you have one spare and if you are on iOS, download the superfine Steemify app for all your notification needs!!

So in a ridiculously short time after posting, the box of beer arrived. Incredible man, I almost popped ten boners!!


Three stouts and an IPA. I think they all originate from the Netherlands. I am hugely happy. Normally I only do two different beers on a tasting but heck that would be just plain rude. So here goes with all four. Look at the percentages on them, it might be rough ride but thems the best ones!!



First up the Gozer! Wait, was that the baddie from the original Ghostbusters? It was a villain and no mistake. I wonder if the beer will be just as dark...


Ha, it is a dark villain of a beast and no mistake. It's like an oil slick dribbling into the glass. Very promising. The head is a frothing dark brown which refuses to fade away, always a good sign in my book.

Smells roasty! I drink, it's definitely roasty! Like dark coffee and malt. It has a fine bitter twang and I get the oats too. Considering the strength of this one it does not taste strong at all. It has a convincing body. A must in any beer or woman for me.

A splendid one to start with! I award this 7.5 booms!


After such a good start I wonder what order I shall drink the rest in. I have a good feeling about two of them. So I decide to have the IPA and leave the other two to after it.

So as an utter contrast here we go with:



I love a good IPA and the description of this one is enough to get my engine idling. Coriander and white tea. Top notch. Let's get this cheeky young fellow into the glass.


It has such a clean and translucent gold colour and the head's like a white stallion's mane! Packed with tiny lasting bubbled goodness.

Oh my, what a great IPA! It's very smooth. Deceptively so. It would be easy to neck ten of these before heading out for a rammy in the local park. The coriander is dominant over the white tea, the white tea lending a little welcome astringency to it. Just a light bitterness from the hops makes this a little easy drinking corker!

8/10 booms!

The next two have me frothing at the gash. They look magnificent. Firstly I will go for:



This one is intriguing, there is writing all over the label so I don't have a clue what is going on with it. But something about it is tugging at me. Pour me, it screams!


I pour it and it slips out reluctantly like a mole being smoked out of its hole deep in the earth. I stop pouring and admire it's glory. It continues to bubble up slowly till it slicks over the sides of the glass like an enraged seal.

I wipe it down and drink...

What the hell!? It's like a bear just shat in my mouth...


A delicious bear made of caramel and malty chocolate that is. This is awesome. It's like a big dark beery sweet cake of a thing! It lingers in the mouth for ages between drinks. I am blown away by this cheeky madam!!

9/10 booms!

Wowsers, I can feel the touch of the beer gods upon me as I approach the last. The amazing sounding:



Barrel aged in whisky and cognac barrels. This sounds right up my street.


Wow, if I had thought any of the previous beers were dark, this one trump's them all. It is the Lord of Night. It wears a cloak made of ravens.

The whisky smell storms out of the glass and gives me a slap around the chops. Phwoar, it's almost frightening in its intensity. I do what any Glasgow man does in such a situation.


I stick the nut in it!

There, now I have asserted my dominance we can move on. I give it a slurp.

Oh my word, it has it all. Dark smokiness, with bitter slightly sweet caramel and chocolate. And the barrel aging in those casks gives it a huge whisky taste. At first it is almost too much but the more you have the better it gets. This is a fine one, not for the faint hearted though!

8.75/10 booms

Well hot damn, what a fantastic selection. Once again thanks to the awesome @exyle for sending such funky beers!

I hope you all have a great weekend!




Awesome that they have arrived intact! Loved the review man. I'm glad that Hel & Verdoemenis won. It's translates to Hell and Damnation, which is good name I guess. It's made by my favourite brewery in the Netherlands called 'de molen' (the windmill). They have a fine selection.

My coffee maker is on overtime this morning, I'm sure yours aswell :)

My coffee maker definitely is!

Hell and Damnation, that's awesome. I knew from the first mouthful it was a winner, even though I had arranged them in the order I thought would win but it bucked the trend!

I will give you a shout on the chat, will have to return the favour. And thanks again man!!

Beer is the worst liquid you can drink 🍸 😂

Do I tell you I had a friend who used to drink hand sanitizer or do I keep that to myself? Although I suppose that was more of a gel...

Fuuuuu! 😂

Oh outstanding! I saw @exyle's post and was looking forward to your regular Saturday edition :D You did not disappoint lol.

After last week's letdown on beer selections, I made this meme in your honor. I hope you don't mind lol

HAhahahahha, oh thats hilarious!! I love the wee head bit, very Scottish!!

lol glad you are not offended :) It was made with the greatest respect!

OH no , definitely not. I can take a nit of humour and no mistake. ITs excellent!

I think your weekend started great. A Saturday night to remember (I do indeed hope so because after 4 strong beers I don't know what you will remember) :) But you made us all laugh, it was a great story, thanks!

Hehe, I will do my best to remember something of it. I do feel the beers effect! Cheers m'dear! :O)

This is the best review ever! My wife just asks why I laugh so hard! Man you just nailed it with your head against that bottle.

It is not the next morning because of the amount of drinking that you have a headache but because of the number of bottles you have headed!

Thanx for mentioning the blockbrothers!

Cheers man! I thought it was a fine time to slip in a mention for the blockbrothers!

HAha, I will tell the good lady that that is the reason I have a sore head tomorrow!! hehe!

Four!? Oh my word. This feels like a throwback to the earliest days of these Sabeerdays! I remember these being sent out, and I can't believe that it arrived way faster than @dreemit's package to me, which was sent more than a month ago now.

I already called the Ghostbusters, and they're on their way there. I think they're just waiting for a promo flight to Glasgow.

The Hel one looked like it poured blood! Just by looking at the trend, I thought we had another 10/10 in our hands!! Those were dangerously high ABVs! I wonder if the order you drank them were switched, would they still have the same scores? Hmmm...

Well funnily enough, I arranged them in the order that I thought would lead to a building crescendo and Solomon's judgement would be the winner!

Four eh, it was like the beginning definitely, took me ages to write up lol

Has Steemits package yet to arrive? A month, that's scandalous;

No, it hasn't. Scandalous indeed! I am sharpening my pitchfork as we speak.

I had thought that's what you're building towards. Alas, beers are truly unpredictable.

I agree, this is possibly the best beer tasting post yet! I don't even drink beer, but you had me drooling with your descriptions ... hmmm, I wonder what kind of beer we have here in Canada? The only one I've really tried a couple of times was Labatt's Blue, which is a Pilsner ....

Canada has some great ones! They have a big craft beer thing going on. I would love to visit Canada and try em all hehe! Cheers lass!

It sounds like @exyle hit the right notes! I love dark beers! So I would have to say, just to be different I would like the Gozer! What can I say? I like oatmeal. The second one would have to be Hel & Verdoemenis. I chose only two beers since I am a cheep drunk and can't hold my beer...

The Gozer was good but compared to the body of the other two, slightly lacking. It was good though. I might have been too harsh! The Hel & Verdoemenis was just amazing, every mouthful was boink!

Great beer review and they all sound truly amazing with some really high alcohol levels,thanks for sharing.

Such high alcohol levels indeed! They were great in the fact that they didnt taste of it! splendid beers and cheers!

Good thing the beers have arrived in time, I saw the post of our friend @exyle when he went to do the delivery to the post office, if it were here in Argentina it would take a month to arrive, once I sent some records to my son and he had to claim seven times.
Great tasting dear friend @meesterboom, how good that turned out 9/10 is a very good score. I would have loved to try the "white stallion's mane"
I must admit that my mouth watered.
happy saturday beer beer dear friend

I was surprised at how quickly it arrived too, we aren't too far apart but there is still a sea in the way!!

Cheers @jlufer!!

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