Rum Sunday

in #life5 years ago


So. What is it tonight then, Rum Sunday?

I looked up from the incredibly important YouTube research I was doing on the existence of Outer Space to see the Good Lady towering above me like a not very sexy Mothra.

Um. What's that you say?

I gave her my best Columbo eyebrow.

Tonight? Rum Sunday, is it?

She asked with the distinct air of not asking but delivering an invitation to danger.

Rum Sunday, you say?

I let the phrase roll back and forth on my tongue.


Rum Sunday... Rrrrum Sunday.

It had quite the catchy feel to it. Heck, I was sold.

Well, why the fucking heck not. That sounds magic, chick!

I beamed at her.

She didn't beam back.

Instead, she cocked her hands on her hips as if it were the seventies again and she was doing a stern funky chicken.

Every night seems to have been a 'night' recently. Don't you think? Beer Saturday... Wine Friday... Whisky Wednesday... What did you call Thursday again?

She looked at me challengingly.

Erm, Coyote Thursday, I called it.

I mumbled, slightly abashed.

And the Coyote bit was because..?

I wanted to get 'howling' drunk.

I humphed with a grimace.


I know you have been suffering lately but don't you think you should lay off the booze a little?

The Good Lady pursed her lips, staring at me expectantly.

Lay off the booze!?

I quacked in indignation like a duck that's had broccoli thrown at it instead of good old fashioned bread.

A million reasons why I shouldn't lay off the booze ran through my mind. Most of them seemed to involve me confessing that it wasn't a recreational activity but was more of a superpower that I had been gifted with in order to save the world.

I looked up and saw the concern on her face.

Bugger, she might have a point.

Alright then, I will calm down a bit on the booze. You could give me a mouth shandy tonight instead, if you don't mind? Take my mind of it?

I looked at her hopefully.

She snorted and walked away shaking her head.

Oh well. It was worth a try.


I think after a Rum Sunday it's good to have a Water Monday (especially if you want a quiet week with the Good Lady) 😜

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Water Monday!! I like that idea, that means tonight can actually be rum Sunday!! :0D

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie

Meaningful cover photo

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The camel is my spirit creature

Risky move there !

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You have to live for the risk!! :0D

Living dangerously, as always. Worth a try indeed.

I like to pretend it's living dangerously but I've been with the good lady so long that she just ignored most of my nonsense :0D

Whenever I read your writing I feel like I learn so much. I must live under a rock. For instance, one paragraph in and: What is a mothra? If Meesterboom knows, I want to know too. Let me just ask Google...

Aha, new word learned for the day, thank you very much.

It's such a divine creature. I am sure the good lady would be happy to be compared to one :0D

Doesn't sound like you're developing a drinking problem at all, not sure what the good lady is worried about O_O

How on earth does one save the world by having every day of the week named after alcohol anyway o_O

It's a superpower!!! They don't really have explanations!! ;0)

A whole night off last night, came wait for Moon Monday!!

Okay Mr. Boom...I up-voted you, but don't expect a comment because I don't leave any to guys wearing 'The Board' T-shirts while humping a camel...!!!

Haha, you might have a point there!! ;0)

This is very nice

As are you, my friend, as are you!

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